Excellent comment. Thank you for encapsulating the broader issue so succinctly.
The reality is that when you attach "aviation" to a business the dysfunction factor goes up about 100x. Scams are rampant and as are missed promises and shoddy work with no chance of reparation. I don't know what it is about this industry, it has some of the best people, but the businesses are stuck 30 years in the past almost universally. The best places I've worked in general aviation are generally worse than the worst places I've worked in other industries, and well the worst in aviation are just completely untenable, but they still exist.
So the reality is that we're grading on a curve. Given that curve, it sounds like the OP's shop experience was pretty darn good all things considered. If I didn't grade on a curve, then yeah that's atrocious, but then again so would every shop I've ever been to, or seen anyone else perform work at. The message I'm trying to convey is that you need to temper your expectations when working in this industry, and if the work was performed well and it didn't exceed 6 months of shop time, then well - it's a win.
Should it be that way? No. Should we accept it? No not really, but it is a reality.