I was "PRIVATE PILOT, AIRPLANE SINGLE AND MULTIENGINE LAND" before I got the instrument rating. No limitations on the ticket because it didn't say "INSTRUMENT AIRPLANE" yet.
When I took my instrument airplane checkride I had to take it in the twin. That added "INSTRUMENT AIRPLANE". That was all in the mid-1980s when you needed 250 TT (200?) for the instrument rating.
When I took my commercial pilot checkride, I did all of the maneuvers in a C-152 then went right back out and did the multiengine and complex tasks in the twin. That replaced "PRIVATE PILOT" with "COMMERCIAL PILOT". If I hadn't flown both, the commercial privileges would have only applied to the Class flown on the checkride.
I added ATP in 1990 but only did it in the twin. It now says "AIRLINE TRANSPORT PILOT, AIRPLANE MULTIENGINE LAND". No "INSTRUMENT AIRPLANE" any more as the ATP is an instrument rating. It also says, "COMMERCIAL PRIVILEGES, AIRPLANE SINGLE-ENGINE LAND".
Under LIMITATIONS, Two of my type ratings say "SIC PRIVELEDGES ONLY", from when only SIC type ratings were required for part 121 F/Os, and four of my types say "CIRC. APRCH - VMC ONLY". These days, F/Os get full PIC type ratings and few, if any, part 121 operators do circling approaches so there's no reason to train for them.