Logging cross country +50NM between Depart Dest Airports FLYING Non Direct Route

I reset the flight if I shut the engine down. Even if I do a full stop and taxi back and take off, that is still all part of the one flight.
That's been my way of doing things. If I shut down, that's a completed flight and is logged on one line. If I don't, it's all part of one flight and logged on one line no matter how many places I may have landed.

I don't bother logging cross country time as I don't need it. (I did three flights from Topeka to England and Germany and Germany to northern Norway and Germany to Libya, and whole lot of flights from Taiwan to Vietnam and Bangkok to Diego Garcia.)

This is just a way I like to log things. There is no requirement to do it this way. As we all know, we only need to log things for currency or for a rating... I know lots of older pilots who log nothing at all.
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That's been my way of doing things. If I shut down, that's a completed flight and is logged on one line
I generally don’t. If I fly someplace for lunch then back home, I log the flight there and back as a single flight.

I wouldn’t, for example, log the 300nm “one cross country flight” required by 61.129 as two or three just because I stopped to refuel. Nothing wrong with doing it either way, although the one-line method works better with (most?) electronic logbooks if they are being used to meet requirements like this one.