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    • Pinecone
      But worthless without WHO. OMG, I went to the most wonderful fly in restaurant with $1 ribeye steaks. But I won't tell you where...
    • Pinecone
      One area, it seems there is more flexibility with the G500TXi as to the EIS display. As in what is displaying on the strip and where.
    • Pinecone
      Pinecone replied to the thread Pushbutton.
      Switch is a few dollars from DigiKey. Maybe 1 hour labor or see if your A&P will allow you to do the work and them sign it off. Or...
    • Pinecone
      Pinecone replied to the thread Time between filing and flying.
      It doesn't. Estimated departure is only really for the strip to print/close things out. The release is the based on when you are ready...
    • Pinecone
      OK, but the number of possible fixes it could be is pretty limited. :)
    • Pinecone
      Pinecone replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Easier to maintain position with GPS and confirm with ADF cross bearings. And if GPS goes away (and it knows when it does) you have a...
    • Pinecone
      Because that is what forums like this are for. To share experiences. You can be clear that they gave you a full refund.
    • Pinecone
      When I was shopping, the shops and Garmin both agreed, if the panel is all Garmin, the G3X is great. If you need to interface a...
    • Pinecone
      Pinecone replied to the thread Which options to upgrade?.
      Have you looked at the used market for the second nav/com? Maybe something newer, nicer that got replaced in a full panel upgrade. I...
    • Pinecone
      Who cares now? Controllers assume you are typing it into an FMS or GPS so the spell every fix. And there are a LOT not on that list.
    • Pinecone
      Pinecone replied to the thread Insurance.
      Mine went up, but I increased the value based on a major avionics upgrade, plus I was able to a smooth liability policy with the same...
    • Pinecone
      Pinecone replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Hmm, there were approaches before VORs and TACAN (which includes DME). NDB approaches did not require the station to be ON the field...
    • Pinecone
      FYI, you do not need to run the fridge full time either. I have a 6500 watt generator. I run it for a few hours in the morning and...
    • Pinecone
      Pinecone replied to the thread Lance air down short of 36 OSH.
      Hmm, steep turn, stall speed increases, so no change in ground speed, but flying beyond the capabilities of the aircraft to continue to...
    • Pinecone
      Pinecone replied to the thread Part 61 - Number of CFI's.
      Meeting the standard would be as stated. Exceeds the standard would be altitude +/- 50 feet, bank angle +/-3 degrees and roll out on...
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