Note: Replace the **** with a word that normally would end in "****ty".
Couldn't get this to work.
Acuity, Agouty, Beauty, Blasty, Blotty, Bounty, Bratty, Cavity, Cecity, Chanty, Chatty, Cherty, Chesty, Chitty, Clotty, Comity, County, Crafty, Crusty, Dainty, Deputy, Dimity, Drafty, Drifty, Eighty, Enmity, Entity, Equity, Faulty, Fealty, Feisty, Ferity, Fixity, Flinty, Flirty, Floaty, Fretty, Frosty, Fruity, Gaiety, Gayety, Ghosty, Gleety, Glinty, Gnatty, Gritty, Grotty, Grouty, Guilty, Hearty, Jaunty, Knotty, Laxity, Lealty, Lenity, Levity, Mighty, Moiety, Nicety, Nighty, Ninety, Nudity, Oddity, Painty, Parity, Pigsty, Plenty, Plotty, Pointy, Polity, Pretty, Purity, Qwerty, Rarity, Realty, Righty, Safety, Sanity, Scanty, Scatty, Shanty, Shelty, Shifty, Shirty, Shorty, Slanty, Sleety, Slitty, Slutty, Smarty, Smutty, Snooty, Snotty, Snouty, Sporty, Spotty, Surety, Swarty, Sweaty, Thirty, Toasty, Treaty, Trouty, Trusty, Twenty, Twisty, Ubiety, Uppity, Vanity, Vaulty, Vaunty, Verity, Wristy, Yeasty
Any clues?