Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

Moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo

(to the tune of the tension music in JAWS)
As imported from mostly northern states.

Looks like one of the north Florida juveniles. They become more aggressive once they reach full size. From the shape of the wings, I believe this one is the Suwannee River species; the variety found in the Everglades grows much larger.
Ah Ha!!! Ghostbusters. All I saw was just an old Ambulance. I’m halfway to getting it now. What’s the van about?
I'm guessing it's another movie reference, but I don't recognize it.
I don't know, but I get the feeling a fake ghost is about to get unmasked....and it's THE MAYOR ??!!
I don't know, but I get the feeling a fake ghost is about to get unmasked....and it's THE MAYOR ??!!

Dammit. Thought I had it all figured out and now this. WTF a mayor got to do with it? Am I gonna like hafta watch all the Scooby toons?