
Well, I just never made a move.

Maybe sometime years from now. In the near future, forgitaboutit. She invited you over and messed with your head. Git away before she does more damage.
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Maybe sometime years from now. In the near future, foregitaboutit. She invited you over and messed with your head. Git away before she does more damage.

Nah, I don't get that vibe from the stories, this isn't the first time he's talked about her, he just needs to learn a few things that he's missed.
Nah, I don't get that vibe from the stories, this isn't the first time he's talked about her, he just needs to learn a few things that he's missed.

Under proper tutelage I'm sure David can fly. Right now he's a target. Even the best pilots need a wingman.
I used to belong to the Atlanta Ballet Society for the sole purpose of providing an interesting first non-date. "Hey, I've got an invitation to the final practice of <whatever>. There's a reception afterwards. Why don't you go with me?" Show her a good time on the first non-date, and real dates are guaranteed. Shoot, that first non-date can turn into a date pretty quickly if she's having a good time.

Glad that works for somebody. I've got friend zoned more playing that game than anything else.
Glad that works for somebody. I've got friend zoned more playing that game than anything else.

The thing I realized after my bachelor days were over was that it *is* a game. You should be trying to have fun and make sure the girl enjoys herself in your company. Have fun and one thing leads to another.
The thing I realized after my bachelor days were over was that it *is* a game. You should be trying to have fun and make sure the girl enjoys herself in your company. Have fun and one thing leads to another.

Yep, make laugh, make em smile and make em blush, he does all those things to her, I've seen the pics. There's just a little nugget David missed out on learning that we're gonna fill in shortly with a quick trip to NYC and Quebec.
I'm an excellent tutor, I'll square him away short order, kid's got a good future.

I might suggest watching out David.......wasn't your signature line a while back something about Henning tazing young folks?
:rolleyes2: Son, fly your little Mooney over here and come get me. I'm gonna give you a week of home schoolin.

There's just a little nugget David missed out on learning that we're gonna fill in shortly with a quick trip to NYC and Quebec.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: this an exclusive offer or do you offer it to the other board members as well?
Henning probably has a first run edition of the Kama Sutra in his library he picked up from his travels.
Yep, make laugh, make em smile and make em blush, he does all those things to her, I've seen the pics. There's just a little nugget David missed out on learning that we're gonna fill in shortly with a quick trip to NYC and Quebec.

It sounds like you should sell the movie rights to this story, when your done.
It sounds like you should sell the movie rights to this story, when your done.

It's going to be an adventure, although I decided canada in december is going to be a little too cold for me so we are gonna go to the bahamas instead.
Hey, you fly out of an airport in a town dominated by a college which is crawling, overrun, with strikingly attractive girls. Maybe you should start sharing your charm and personality (you have these, I am told by people other than me who know you) with some of these young wimmens.

Maybe meet a girl in a sorority, take her and some lissome, comely young maidens on a sight-seeing flight.

But where, oh where, might you meet such a girl? :confused:
Hey, you fly out of an airport in a town dominated by a college which is crawling, overrun, with strikingly attractive girls. Maybe you should start sharing your charm and personality (you have these, I am told by people other than me who know you) with some of these young wimmens.

Maybe meet a girl in a sorority, take her and some lissome, comely young maidens on a sight-seeing flight.

But where, oh where, might you meet such a girl? :confused:

He's in love with this girl though, can't blame him either.
Maybe meet a girl in a sorority, take her and some lissome, comely young maidens on a sight-seeing flight.

But where, oh where, might you meet such a girl? :confused:

The problem with most of those girls is that they eat up the aviation budget.
Nice shoes is always a good pick up.

No. It leads to this...


Ah hell. Nevermind. It all leads to that anyway...
Yeah, I was going to say that picture looks fairly normal....
What I thought was strange about the picture was that there is only one red pair of shoes ... Very little color in that group .. Must be from back east
What I thought was strange about the picture was that there is only one red pair of shoes ... Very little color in that group .. Must be from back east

Then someone has to start some trouble....East POA vs West POA.

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What I thought was strange about the picture was that there is only one red pair of shoes ... Very little color in that group .. Must be from back east

The red shoes have their own closet.

If rejection has got you down, keep this true story in mind.....

The Pilot and the Princess

Once upon a time, a pilot asked a beautiful princess,
"Will you marry me?"............The princess said, "No!"
And the pilot lived happily ever after and flew jets all over the world and drove hot cars and chased skinny long-legged big-breasted flight attendants and hunted and fished and went to topless bars and dated women half his age and drank Weihenstephaner German beer and Captain Morgan and never heard bitching and never paid child support or alimony and kept his house and guns and ate cold leftover meals, potato chips and beans and blew enormous farts and never got cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he was frickin' cool as hell and he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up........
The end.
If I dated women half my age that would be an issue.