

Final Approach
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Apr 19, 2011
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A new way to get turned down on a date.

Example: "That sounds really fun, but I've got to do laundry."

True story.
Hmm. That sucks.

This is really a numbers game. Next time tell the girl(s) that you have a "mile high club simulator" in your hangar and need her assistance in trying it out.

Taking this route cuts down on all the BS. Plus you can log some dual... :) Eventually you get a "I'll be right over" Then you can take the Mooney and fly to breakfast, lunch, or dinner later.
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Hmm. That sucks.

This is really a numbers game. Next time tell the girl(s) that you have a "mile high club simulator" in your hangar and need her assistance in trying it out.

Taking this route cuts down on all the BS. Plus you can log some dual... :) Eventually you get a "I'll be right over" Then you can take the Mooney and fly to breakfast, lunch, or dinner later.

This particular girl has more certificates and ratings than I do (but has never enjoyed the sheer bliss that is Mooney flying)
Yeah well, and there is the classic "I can't go on that date. I have a hair appointment." Like two weeks isn't enough lead time to reschedule a damn haircut. Sheesh.
This particular girl has more certificates and ratings than I do (but has never enjoyed the sheer bliss that is Mooney flying)

Are you hitting on Martha King? I think she's probably logged Mooney time.
This particular girl has more certificates and ratings than I do (but has never enjoyed the sheer bliss that is Mooney flying)

Then there is something wrong with her. NEXT
Bypass the problem.

Humans are defective. Get a dog.
If you're gonna suggest beasiality you might suggest a goat, at least it mows the lawn.;)

Well, well, and a donkey is useful for hauling things around the ranch...
I have a bad habit of chasing girls that are disproportionately better looking than I am, and/or alot older.
Why don't you move to Southeast Asia? You could have a field day!
Just start with something simple like: If I told you that you have a beautiful body would you hold it against me?

That line actually worked once, well, worked for getting a hug but not much further.
David, it's like this.....

Spend some time pulling up Too $hort and E40 songs on youtube. You will learn to mack from the masters at the game. Girls don't say it but they like the deep, raw, animal, in-your-face style of communication. They take it as a challenge to try to civilize you and get intrigued.

"Um, there is a Barry Manilow concert in Austin next week. Are you interested in coming?"


"Yo baby, check it out. Here's what we gonna do right. Next week my man Barry Manilow gonna have a gig in Austin. You and I going down there and give my man some support aight."

There we go. How can she say no to that. Well she could but she'd be thrown so off guard by your new confidence that she says yes anyway.
I have a bad habit of chasing girls that are disproportionately better looking than I am, and/or alot older.

I was thinking of this over lunch and older is better. Find yourself a recent divorcee for some no strings flying fun. You will get some pro rata.

There are plenty of women that you can find that will swoon at the opportunity to go out with a dude with a Mooney.
David, never let rejection from females get to your ego. Don't. Females do loopy things, they have all these hormones and are as often as not barely sentient when it comes to mate selection. And oftentimes rejection or acceptance is dependent on things that have nothing to do with anything you would care about yourself. Move onto the next target and don't let it get you down. Life is too short.
If you're gonna suggest beasiality you might suggest a goat, at least it mows the lawn.;)

See my point. That's why I say humans are defective. They make invalid assumptions based on a complete lack of relevant information.
See my point. That's why I say humans are defective. They make invalid assumptions based on a complete lack of relevant information.

And many of the individual units of the specie are lacking in the sense of humor department...
Hey, I thought Honey-Badger don't give a $h!t
Yeah well, and there is the classic "I can't go on that date. I have a hair appointment." Like two weeks isn't enough lead time to reschedule a damn haircut. Sheesh.

Women tend to be very particular about who cuts their hair, and a good stylist may be busy enough that it would take two months to reschedule. Interjecting my own story: my hair dresser had a health issue, and this necessitated me seeing someone else, and I told this person to only trim my hair. She clearly didn't know what the word "trim" means, because she cut out chunks of my hair and left me with a hideous haircut. Bad haircuts are why women are loathe to leave a hairstylist they like.
I have a bad habit of chasing girls that are disproportionately better looking than I am, and/or alot older.

Easier to score dates with pretty girls. They're used to being hit on, so they know how to act. And oftentimes you succeed, a lot of guys have too little confidence to hit on pretty girls.

Biggest thing I think is self confidence. Most of the real womanizers that I knew had that and little else. Heck, you have a pretty good reason for self confidence, at least in my eyes. You're going to University, likely the BEST place you will ever see to chase skirt. Have fun.
All girls are better looking than men. Some more than others. Don't give up.
You sure about that? :)

Try one of these on her

"Do you have a library card? Because Im checking you out ;)"
"Is your dad a baker? You've got a great set of buns ;)"
or my favorite
"Did you just fart? Because you blew me away ;)"

The wink on the end is nescessary to seal the deal.
Try one of these on her

"Do you have a library card? Because Im checking you out ;)"
"Is your dad a baker? You've got a great set of buns ;)"
or my favorite
"Did you just fart? Because you blew me away ;)"

The wink on the end is nescessary to seal the deal.

Your father must have been a thief, because he stole the stars an put them in your eyes.
Your father must have been a thief, because he stole the stars an put them in your eyes.

Do you wash you clothes in Windex?

Because I can see myself in your pants!
I would say don't waste time chasing girls, it is not worth it. Better to go on with your life do whatever you enjoy the most and then the good girls will start approaching you out of nowhere. Only then you will get to choose.

Stop contact with her, cut her out, have some fun. Transmit the message that you don't really need her and then she will be the one calling you. :D:D:D:D

If nothing happens then another one will come.

Females are a predictable type.