
I would say don't waste time chasing girls, it is not worth it. Better to go on with your life do whatever you enjoy the most and then the good girls will start approaching you out of nowhere. Only then you will get to choose.

Stop contact with her, cut her out, have some fun. Transmit the message that you don't really need her and then she will be the one calling you. :D:D:D:D

If nothing happens then another one will come.

Females are a predictable type.

I don't buy into that. Sometimes you don't get what you don't ask for, but you do need to be happy and settled with who you are. Being needy and desperate will definitely not work. I do agree with ask once and then move on.
I don't buy into that. Sometimes you don't get what you don't ask for, but you do need to be happy and settled with who you are. Being needy and desperate will definitely not work. I do agree with ask once and then move on.

Don't ask, tell. "Come on, we're gonna go see a movie, my treat." Show confidence.
I'm 48 and NOT in the market for a date, my wife is very narrow minded, BUT I have a 19 year old son and he never has a shortage of girls. He learned pretty early on to ignore them, don't call them, treat them like they are only a small part of his life and they won't leave him alone! It amazes me the number of girls, that just fawn all over him, send him naked pictures etc.:yikes:

I don't buy into that. Sometimes you don't get what you don't ask for, but you do need to be happy and settled with who you are. Being needy and desperate will definitely not work. I do agree with ask once and then move on.
I once got the actual punch-line response of "No, I can't. I have to wash my hair." I cracked up and said, "Come on, you can come up with a better excuse than that!"

We dated 3 years.
David, I am glad to hear your embracing older women! You will be a great meal for the cougars.

I used to have a friend that would go around to different women at the bar and just spit out, "you want to f***?" I would give him a 20% success rate with this approach. The rejections made for great conversation and laughter.

It is all about playing the numbers. I have a first date tonight, one tomorrow, and one on Thursday. Each of them required a different approach. Tonight, Dinner. There goes a bunch of flying money. Tomorrow's date, just wants to get some Starbucks, and walk and talk. Thursday nights date is going to Bar Trivia, a few beers, and share a couple of appetizers. None of them are a full day adventure. Women need an escape route. They typically know within a couple of minutes if they want to go any further. This is why I hate dinners as first dates. They will know the whole time, but stay for the whole meal, bottle of wine, and dessert.

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Well, I know this girl really well. Almost a year now. She actually invited me and my buddy John to her house Tuesday night, and I ended up spending the night (but sleeping on the couch because I'm a gentlemen)

The whole time I was there she talked about how long it's been since someone took her on a date, and said she was considering joining a dating site. So when I asked her out, I was thoroughly confused as to why she didn't say yes. Maybe she's just a tease, I'll still see her pretty often because she works where I keep my airplane though.
I figured an all day thing wouldn't be that big of a deal.
Well, I know this girl really well. Almost a year now. She actually invited me and my buddy John to her house Tuesday night, and I ended up spending the night (but sleeping on the couch because I'm a gentlemen)

The whole time I was there she talked about how long it's been since someone took her on a date, and said she was considering joining a dating site. So when I asked her out, I was thoroughly confused as to why she didn't say yes. Maybe she's just a tease, I'll still see her pretty often because she works where I keep my airplane though.

That's why she turned you down!!! Dude, you failed to follow through. She doesn't want to waste a day at Six Flags with a kid when she can go to the laundromat where she has a chance of getting picked up and laid.
That's why she turned you down!!! Dude, you failed to follow through. She doesn't want to waste a day at Six Flags with a kid when she can go to the laundromat where she has a chance of getting picked up and laid.

Well, it just didn't seem like it woulda been right.
I'm 48 and NOT in the market for a date, my wife is very narrow minded, BUT I have a 19 year old son and he never has a shortage of girls. He learned pretty early on to ignore them, don't call them, treat them like they are only a small part of his life and they won't leave him alone! It amazes me the number of girls, that just fawn all over him, send him naked pictures etc.:yikes:

Funny you mentioned that. Okay, revelation time - Sac Arrow was a loser in high school. Sac Arrow was so preoccupied by chasing tail that he never landed any. This continued through the military and in to college. Then at one point I just said "F it!" and gave up.

THEN they started falling out of the woodwork! I was all about "holy crap, that's the secret!"
I'm 48 and NOT in the market for a date, my wife is very narrow minded, BUT I have a 19 year old son and he never has a shortage of girls. He learned pretty early on to ignore them, don't call them, treat them like they are only a small part of his life and they won't leave him alone! It amazes me the number of girls, that just fawn all over him, send him naked pictures etc.:yikes:

It sounds like your son over shares. I have 19 year old son, too, at UCSB and I don't necessarily share his casual approach to dating (though I probably did at 19). Quality, not quantity. That is what is important.

David, don't sweat it. You will meet someone. It is not a race. Most girls your age do play games (and I guess some guys, too). It might be a good idea to get involved in some groups outside of flying, where the ratio of males to females is more favorable, though. Online dating can work, too, that's how I met my current GF.
That is a defect in home schooling, you have not developed the social perceptions that you need.

What he said.

Life is not what it seems. Even black holes disprove physics as the super brains know it.

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It might be a good idea to get involved in some groups outside of flying, where the ratio of males to females is more favorable, though.

That's the key. I take French (and am pretty darn good at it if I do say so myself), and the ratio is much better than in the engineering school :). Last semester there were 22 people in my class...and only two were guys.
That's the key. I take French (and am pretty darn good at it if I do say so myself), and the ratio is much better than in the engineering school :). Last semester there were 22 people in my class...and only two were guys.

Thats why I took French in High School. It worked quite well :D
Call her up right now and tell her you are horny. You got the signal but didn't receive it loud and clear.
Next time you're on frequency with her, ask her on a date (in public ask, in private tell). It's a big risk, and you may get called to the carpet, but that's okay, that on your record may even land you a job, especially if you make it stick.:D She likes you and she's probably perfect for you.
Next time you're on frequency with her, ask her on a date (in public ask, in private tell). It's a big risk, and you may get called to the carpet, but that's okay, that on your record may even land you a job, especially if you make it stick.:D She likes you and she's probably perfect for you.

So basically, tell her in private that I'm going to ask her on a date in public? I LIKE it!
I'm friends with all the tower controllers at my home airport I know they could totally make it happen for me.
Even better yet get them to make her copy and call a phone number, the number being mine, where I ask her on a date!
Well, what did you mean?

Next time you are flying and hear her on frequency, key up and ask her on a date over the radio. Seriously though week long flying road trip, there's some things you need to learn and observe.
I actually like the "advise when ready to copy a phone number" idea and your ATC bud giving you number.
Next time you are flying and hear her on frequency, key up and ask her on a date over the radio. Seriously though week long flying road trip, there's some things you need to learn and observe.

That is a good idea.
Henning's gonna add "pimp" to his CV :rockon:
Well, I know this girl really well. Almost a year now. She actually invited me and my buddy John to her house Tuesday night, and I ended up spending the night (but sleeping on the couch because I'm a gentlemen)

The whole time I was there she talked about how long it's been since someone took her on a date, and said she was considering joining a dating site. So when I asked her out, I was thoroughly confused as to why she didn't say yes. Maybe she's just a tease, I'll still see her pretty often because she works where I keep my airplane though.

Don't invite her out on a date. Keep it lower key than that. "Hey, I'm going over to XXXYYY(fun place that would be interesting to her), wanna come?"

I used to belong to the Atlanta Ballet Society for the sole purpose of providing an interesting first non-date. "Hey, I've got an invitation to the final practice of <whatever>. There's a reception afterwards. Why don't you go with me?" Show her a good time on the first non-date, and real dates are guaranteed. Shoot, that first non-date can turn into a date pretty quickly if she's having a good time.
Don't invite her out on a date. Keep it lower key than that. "Hey, I'm going over to XXXYYY(fun place that would be interesting to her), wanna come?"

I used to belong to the Atlanta Ballet Society for the sole purpose of providing an interesting first non-date. "Hey, I've got an invitation to the final practice of <whatever>. There's a reception afterwards. Why don't you go with me?" Show her a good time on the first non-date, and real dates are guaranteed. Shoot, that first non-date can turn into a date pretty quickly if she's having a good time.

We hang out so much anyways I think I would need to specify a date for her to even know I'm interested. I also just realized when I asked her out a couple days ago I never specified that I wanted to go on a date.
Henning's gonna add "pimp" to his CV :rockon:

Learnin' the boy 'bout life has nothing to do with pimpin'. More to do with passing along a kindness to a fellow man. There are much worse things in the world than David hanging with Henning for a week and seeing a master at work...
There's always getting her drunk...
btdt. See post #49. I always end up with my arm around her but it never goes any further than that.
With that bit of info, I am going to fall into the "leave her be for a while" camp. Even better would be if you have another gal you could take out....preferably a friend of hers.
Well, I just never made a move.