Yes, if you are in a vulnerable category, best to plan on fairly severe isolation until about mid 2021 (2 seasons). Have visitors wear masks like N95 or full face respirators.
If vaccines work, could shorten that, and there are some promising candidates. At least in the 21st century you can have most things delivered and there are plenty of forms of entertainment available.
Yeah no. The household nurse and I figure she’s bringing it home eventually and we’re taking some reasonable measures, but “severe isolation” ain’t one of them.
Plus the docs truly have no frakking idea if I’m more or less vulnerable at this time anyway, and there’s other medical reasons to be out, like spinal cord imagery for those things.
Unless you were just meaning high risk people in general.
But no. We aren’t going full blown “pre-transplant patient” type protocols here.
Frankly I’d prefer to catch it in good weather and get it over with, however it goes.
And the math is awful for a vaccine. Hell, most folk are avoiding the super likely topic of mutations, let alone being real about betting on a vaccine isn’t a good idea in Vegas...
Happy if it happens. Not surprised in the slightest if it doesn’t or is a partial effect or has to be changed like others every year for new strains... or... or... or...
There are a few procedures that create aerosols where the full-up hazmat outfit with the positive pressure respirator is warranted. Bronchoscopy (putting an endoscope down someones trachea) and a few others.
That’s why Mayo intubated me back in March to go get that lymph node biopsy. Protecting their people from me. Normally outpatient and awake, they had my butt knocked out about five minutes from OR entry and never let me breathe into the room. Wasn’t expecting that but happened quick since it put the OR almost four hours behind that day. They temporarily cancelled all procedures like mine the day after, so I’m pretty happy they did it. Would have been weeks or months to prove my diagnosis if I hadn’t literally hit the last day they did them that month.
I still have my silly paper post-op mask as a souvenir. It’s a tad dirty though. Got forced to use it to mow a strip of the property when masks were difficult to find of any sort.
And we are up to nine. Another online acquaintance I volunteer for some work with.
I don’t even count the number in the threads in private support groups for the neurological thing nor the Sarcoid groups. Piles of people in both and both originally considered “high risk”, but it’s behaving like the healthy folks so far in those groups. No reported deaths, one reported ventilator and long term admission, vast folks just feeling like crap for inordinate lengths of time. A handful had added O2 at home — mainly the sarcoid group subset who already had severe lung involvement. None reporting new lung damage, yet.
Hundreds of responses on “anybody had it?” type threads. Of course there could be more who truly are hammered who aren’t exactly hanging out on social media platforms from their hospital beds but most folk have a spouse or friend posting for them if they’re ill into the closed/private groups.
Summary: A pain in the ass for anybody with worse going on, mostly, with a pinch of random death. LOL.
We are still ahead of Covid on cancelled or modified funerals for people not killed by Covid since it started, anecdotally. Family and friends. 3-4 depending on how we count family and friends. The 4th is fairly extended. 1 Covid death also significantly extended away.
Again anecdotally, cancer and strokes are still in the lead! LOL. Efff cancer.