Well I'm based in Daytona area, Thursday evening forecasts looked horrible for my area so I flew my bird up to Tallahassee to stay with family. Well clearly a bad move as the cone now shifted entirely west. In hindsight now I wish I would have stayed home but oh well, too late to go back home now, and couldn't stay tied down outside in TLH with the current forecast. So I left TLH for Memphis. Has a nice flight to Memphis, which Is now the longest non-stop leg I've ever done in my plane, 419nm as planned.
All in all, I now wish I would have just stayed home with the current forecast but hindsight is 20/20, it was a nice visit with some family and now I'm in Memphis with some friends where the weather is beautiful. Plus part of me ever getting a plane was for the adventure, this certainly was one of them. And most importantly this was all the safest move. I'm still assuming I'll lose power and I have a trip for work Wed and Thursday so I'll most likely be flying back home on Friday, by then I'd imagine I'll have power back!
So where did everyone wind up flying to who evac'd? I originally went for KTLH, spent two nights and then into KMEM. I attached some pics of my journey!