Tied Down
It's also much easier to get a clear shot at how much you have to pay your insurance a month, vs what they are willing to pay so you don't die.
I read all the fine print I can get my hands on when our insurance options come up for renewal. I couldn’t tell you if they’d pay to keep me alive or not, really.
It’s impossible gobbledegook to decipher, even in the dumbed down marketing slicks handed out each year during open enrollment periods.
“Here’s a list of chit we only cover at this percentage, and another list of chit we cover at a different percentage. You’ll need six weeks and a calculator to figure out our actuaries know how to screw you better than you think, after you guess at your real risks for these things.”
Auto insurance has gone the same route, only slightly simpler. “Oh, you don’t have the deer jumped out and swerved” coverage. That’s a special add on and not available in your area, because you actually have deer out there.” LOL.