Well, let’s see now… jk
Obviously, the historical risk factor is low, but with our world seemingly on the constant brink of falling apart, the future risk seems to be higher than the historical risk.
How many engine failures have I experienced? None, but the longer I fly, the future risk is always higher than the past risk (until you actually have one) due to the fact that past risk is zero. That doesn’t mean that I freak out every time I fly, but it means that I need to be aware of, and plan for that possibility. You don’t retract the gear and then rip out the breaker for it because “look I’m flying!” That seems to be the mentality though of the Eplane world. “Look, we can do this thing. Let’s throw out the safety net.”
If they want to adopt the parallel hybrid, that’s fine because you still have the safety net there if something on the electric side fails.