Gulfstream Girl

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Her FB page refers to her as a "Public Figure". Jeeze, have we really lowered the bar this much for celebrity status? And personally, I don't think she's even attractive - way too skinny.

I think we all know how low the new standards are. I would pick her over Snookie any day:D
I doubt she will be in the airplane. And I took a few lessons in an Arrow from a CFII that was at least as attractive. I switched schools when I discovered that the owner had no intention to keep his Arrow IFR-current.

And so I do not get that "Useless without pictures" thingy:


I approve.
Did ya happen to read page 17????

If you're referring to the first post on that page... Well, ya need to read the 2nd post. That's not her. They don't even look alike, except for being skinny, female, and blonde, and it's not like that's a rare combination. :rolleyes:
I got cut from my Alaska job this morning. They decided this year they are only going to hire pilots with pt 135 IFR mins.

If I was a hot girl I could be flying gulfstreams, and I'm a hell of a lot more qualified than she is.
There are 2 other guys that were going to be in my class that are just as dissapointed as I am.

It sucks.
I got cut from my Alaska job this morning. They decided this year they are only going to hire pilots with pt 135 IFR mins.

If I was a hot girl I could be flying gulfstreams, and I'm a hell of a lot more qualified than she is.

That sucks. Sorry to hear it. We were all looking forward to pics of you in Alaskan flip-flops! Something better will turn up. Hang in there.
I got cut from my Alaska job this morning. They decided this year they are only going to hire pilots with pt 135 IFR mins.

If I was a hot girl I could be flying gulfstreams, and I'm a hell of a lot more qualified than she is.

Bitterness and anger won't get you very far. Get over it.
That sounds like any flight on Air India...
And unlike an airline, you are married to the other person and the airplane. If you are lucky there is a third pilot. If you are really lucky there is a fourth. You are also probably spending a fair amount of time in FBOs and out of town with your flying buddies so it really helps if you get along.
Bitterness and anger won't get you very far. Get over it.

Make a couple months worth of financial decisions planning on being employed for the next 6 months, and then find out that you are up **** creek without a paddle. I'm not a CFI, and I don't have the ability to bone my way to the top. I'm not gonna be able to find another job (especially not one that pays as well) unless I get my CFI. And even then the pay will still be less.
Make a couple months worth of financial decisions planning on being employed for the next 6 months, and then find out that you are up **** creek without a paddle. I'm not a CFI, and I don't have the ability to bone my way to the top. I'm not gonna be able to find another job (especially not one that pays as well) unless I get my CFI. And even then the pay will still be less.

Get your CFI, David. You could probably knock it out in a couple of weeks. Just one more arrow in your quiver. Plus it's fun.
Make a couple months worth of financial decisions planning on being employed for the next 6 months, and then find out that you are up **** creek without a paddle. I'm not a CFI, and I don't have the ability to bone my way to the top. I'm not gonna be able to find another job (especially not one that pays as well) unless I get my CFI. And even then the pay will still be less.

There's a lesson to be learned here about financial decision making and the real world. Learn it, get over it, and move on.
By the way, David, I'm sorry your plans didn't work out, and that people reneged on their promises. I didn't mean to sound cavalier. Unfortunately, that's life. You're young and still have a lot to learn, regardless of your skills in the cockpit. I just think your obsession with GG and what your perceive as her unfair advantage is not healthy. Anger is destructive in the long run. Speaking of which, I have another thread to return to, to vent my anger.:rofl:
Make a couple months worth of financial decisions planning on being employed for the next 6 months, and then find out that you are up **** creek without a paddle. I'm not a CFI, and I don't have the ability to bone my way to the top. I'm not gonna be able to find another job (especially not one that pays as well) unless I get my CFI. And even then the pay will still be less.
Correct. you have volunteered for long term poverty. No one I shared a cockpit with works in aviation anymore, we all gave it up and got real jobs which led to being able to afford extravagent luxuries like having a family and owning a home.

That said, if you really want to work in a remote area then forget the CFI, get your A&P. Having both pilot and mechanic licenses is what got me hired to fly turboprops full of boxes from nowhere to noplace.
Oh, and for what it's worth, I'm a fat, ugly old dyke who gets no breaks in life!:D Yeah, part of me is jealous of GG, too, but I'm happy for her as well.
Sorry about your job David, but as others have pointed out, that's life. It won't be the first time you don't get what you want. Also, as far as promises go, I don't know how it is in other industries, but I wouldn't count on someone's promise that you are going to fly any particular airplane until you are taking off in it. Lots of people making lots of promises out there.
I got cut from my Alaska job this morning. They decided this year they are only going to hire pilots with pt 135 IFR mins.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I guess it's been a while since some people have known what it's like to be in dire straights. Good luck and keep us posted.
Bitterness and anger won't get you very far. Get over it.

I disagree. I think it fosters and provides the cynicism required in order to get up in the morning and do something about one's circumstances in an unfair world. Non-conforming behavior can easily be attributed to anger and bitterness. Let's also remind the peanut gallery that bitterness is strategically used here with a pejorative connotation; there's nothing inherently pejorative about bitterness, as it's merely the representation and displeasure with systemic and repetitive inequity. It also implies a static state. Nobody is suggesting the angry have to stay in place. I don't see this young man being static, so I disagree he's bitter. He's angry and I am glad to see that. It shows he's human and a non-conformist one.

The world doesn't owe the young man a job, that's noted. But the young man does not owe the world a stoic disposition just so those who are at the receiving end of favorable circumstances feel morally appeased, or even worse, validated. Screw that beta male perspective.

As it ties to GG, to not thread creep, If I want eye candy I do like the rest of society and rent it by the hour; not give eye candy the keys to positions of influence and stiocly let the car come off the rails when the S hits the F.

One is certainly wise to play the game and be scheming and selective as to how one verbalizes one's anger for the inequities of life, but not for one second should he sideline or dismiss that feeling, that's the day he might as well go on the dole, buy a bridge to nowhere and tell himself everything everybody else has, they must have earned on their own right.
I disagree. I think it fosters and provides the cynicism required in order to get up in the morning and do something about one's circumstances in an unfair world. Non-conforming behavior can easily be attributed to anger and bitterness. Let's also remind the peanut gallery that bitterness is strategically used here with a pejorative connotation; there's nothing inherently pejorative about bitterness, as it's merely the representation and displeasure with systemic and repetitive inequity. It also implies a static state. Nobody is suggesting the angry have to stay in place. I don't see this young man being static, so I disagree he's bitter. He's angry and I am glad to see that. It shows he's human and a non-conformist one.

The world doesn't owe the young man a job, that's noted. But the young man does not owe the world a stoic disposition just so those who are at the receiving end of favorable circumstances feel morally appeased, or even worse, validated. Screw that beta male perspective.

As it ties to GG, to not thread creep, If I want eye candy I do like the rest of society and rent it by the hour; not give eye candy the keys to positions of influence and stiocly let the car come off the rails when the S hits the F.

One is certainly wise to play the game and be scheming and selective as to how one verbalizes one's anger for the inequities of life, but not for one second should he sideline or dismiss that feeling, that's the day he might as well go on the dole, buy a bridge to nowhere and tell himself everything everybody else has, they must have earned on their own right.

Your points are duly noted. However, I think to let anger over things that you can't control consume you is not healthy. To play the victim is not healthy. I hope David brushes himself off, gets up and kicks some ass in the aviation world! But to denigrate GG, I think, is wasted energy.
Your points are duly noted. However, I think to let anger over things that you can't control consume you is not healthy. To play the victim is not healthy. I hope David brushes himself off, gets up and kicks some ass in the aviation world! But to denigrate GG, I think, is wasted energy.

Hey, if GG caught a break, more power to her. Don't we all want to catch a break now and then? I know I do.
Hey, if GG caught a break, more power to her. Don't we all want to catch a break now and then? I know I do.

And most of us have at one poit or another. I know I have.
Hey, if GG caught a break, more power to her. Don't we all want to catch a break now and then? I know I do.

Absolutely! Although I don't feel like I've gotten a lot of breaks in life, and certainly none based on my looks:wink2:, I do appreciate one that I got, and that was the fact that my parents saw the value of a college education and were able to pay for my schooling. I was very fortunate in that respect. Still, I had to do the work and make the grades, just as GG had to do to get her ratings, whatever her initial break was.
It is mildly ironic if someone who had the good luck of having parents who got him an entry into his aviation career complains about someone who had the good luck of being pretty to get theirs.
It is mildly ironic if someone who had the good luck of having parents who got him an entry into his aviation career complains about someone who had the good luck of being pretty to get theirs.

Sorry, a Gulfstream isn't an entry to an aviation career, it's a pinnacle of an aviation career.
It is mildly ironic if someone who had the good luck of having parents who got him an entry into his aviation career complains about someone who had the good luck of being pretty to get theirs.

Uh, would that be a reference to my post? If so, perhaps there's been a misunderstanding. My schooling had nothing to do with aviation. I was a communications major. I'm now a 54-year-old student pilot. And not a very successful one at that.
Uh, would that be a reference to my post? If so, perhaps there's been a misunderstanding. My schooling had nothing to do with aviation. I was a communications major. I'm now a 54-year-old student pilot. And not a very successful one at that.

I am clueless as the the personal details of posters here but I got the feeling he was referring to someone else.
Uh, would that be a reference to my post? If so, perhaps there's been a misunderstanding. My schooling had nothing to do with aviation. I was a communications major. I'm now a 54-year-old student pilot. And not a very successful one at that.

He's talking about me.
Sorry, a Gulfstream isn't an entry to an aviation career, it's a pinnacle of an aviation career.

I would say retiring from a major while still having a pension is the pinnacle of an aviation career.

I dont think she has such great of a position right now. She has an expensive type rating to maintain current while not having the hours to be easily employable by someone else. At this point, she is pretty much married to her mentor who she has to stick with on transient gig after transient gig until she can stand on her own.
I doubt she is working for 3Ms corporate aviation department. There are a lot of those 'private jet' jobs that end up being rather transient and dont give you a good deal of hours. Fly 2hrs, sit in a hotel for 3 days, fly 2 hrs, not fly for a week, fly for 2 hrs..... get fired to be replaced by someone whose daily rate is $100 less.
Get your CFI and go to college David. Flight instruct your way through college. You'll never regret an education.

Remember, when one door closes a window opens. This may be a blessing in disguise.
I would say retiring from a major while still having a pension is the pinnacle of an aviation career.

I dont think she has such great of a position right now. She has an expensive type rating to maintain current while not having the hours to be easily employable by someone else. At this point, she is pretty much married to her mentor who she has to stick with on transient gig after transient gig until she can stand on her own.
I doubt she is working for 3Ms corporate aviation department. There are a lot of those 'private jet' jobs that end up being rather transient and dont give you a good deal of hours. Fly 2hrs, sit in a hotel for 3 days, fly 2 hrs, not fly for a week, fly for 2 hrs..... get fired to be replaced by someone whose daily rate is $100 less.


Oh man, whew.

She doesn't pay squat to stay current.
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