Got first doze of Pfizer today

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When we got our first shot (Pfizer) last week, we were told to take Tylenol in case of injection-site pain or flu-like side effects -- specifically not Ibuprofen. No explanation why.
My daughter got the second Pfizer shot a couple weeks ago. She’s 25 and in the medical field. It literally took her down for 4 days. She feels fine now but could not get out of bed for 4 days. She said it felt like having severe arthritis. I doubt I’ll be eligible for quite some time (47 in good shape). Honestly, I’m not in a hurry to get it anyway. I seem to have a strong immune system, I very rarely get sick. I would honestly rather let someone else have my shots. Once it’s available for everyone I might consider it.
Just like with any vaccine, statistically, some people are going to have unpleasant side effects. Fortunately, these are somewhat rare. I had the shot along with my wife and father-in-law. None of us had any side effects worth noting.
Pfizer round 1 was a non event. Just a little upper arm soreness overnight. Pfizer round two was increased soreness that was most of my left side, and I wasn't able to get any sleep that night.

Anecdotally it seems that you aren't going to have a bad reaction to Pfizer Round 2, and if you are going to have a bad reaction to round two it's going to be Moderna.
There’s a reason why some (young) have severe side effects and some (old) don’t.

I think some are still in denial of this disease. I was at first because of poor information early on and I hadn’t seen the effects until a couple months ago. COVID went through our program like a wildfire. My boss died from it and because of that, I unfortunately inherited his job. It’s completely changed how we operate in air ambulance. We are flying far more severe COVID cases over the last couple of months to hospitals that we never go to. For the conspiracy theorists out there, COVID is real and the healthcare system is overloaded.

Can’t believe Mike Collins is gone.
Had Pfizer #2 on Tuesday.
12 hours later (after an otherwise normal day) hit with chills and fever.
Woke up the next morning barely able to move. Weak, achy. Spent the entire day on the couch, drinking gatorade, and drifting in and out of sleep. Barely functional enough to eat.
It's now Day 3, and I'm feeling better than yesterday, but still running a mild fever and weaker than normal.

I'm actually really happy that I got the reaction I did... because I'm a chemo patient and didn't know if I'd be able to mount an immune response at all.
So, yay?
There’s a reason why some (young) have severe side effects and some (old) don’t.
I wonder if there's any correlation between having a reaction to the vaccine and previously having had a (possibly asymptomatic) case of COVID19?
Thanks George, excellent information.

My first shot this morning, no reaction so far. That must mean that I have not had Covid without symptoms!
I got my first Moderna yesterday. Today I laid down to rest at 8a. All of a sudden it was 1p. Basically low energy all day.

Fun fact, it increased my glucose by 40 points this morning.
Got my first Pfizer dose yesterday - minor injection site pain but nothing I would not feel from a flu or Tdap shot
Got my Pfizer No. 1 last week (Wednesday); no apparent effect at all (maybe some listlessness, but that could have been unrelated).

I'm no lover of government, but Dallas County and City are doing an amazing job with the logistics of the vaccination process. Less than an hour from show-up to drive-away, and never had to get out of the car. They were administering a *LOT* of shots.
I got my first Moderna yesterday. Today I laid down to rest at 8a. All of a sudden it was 1p. Basically low energy all day.

Fun fact, it increased my glucose by 40 points this morning.
I hope you are sure that it wasn't the high glucose level that caused your lack of energy. Do you have diabetes? Is that why you are conscious of your glucose level?
Got my Pfizer No. 1 last week (Wednesday); no apparent effect at all (maybe some listlessness, but that could have been unrelated).

I'm no lover of government, but Dallas County and City are doing an amazing job with the logistics of the vaccination process. Less than an hour from show-up to drive-away, and never had to get out of the car. They were administering a *LOT* of shots.
I got the Pfizer No. 1 last Thursday in The Woodlands/Montgomery County. The next morning, I could tell where I'd had the shot (which I couldn't the night I'd received it), but wouldn't call it sore. Same scenario for administration. There were actually two "hubs" utilizing the same stadium parking lot, sorting at first check point to put you in the right line for your appointment. I'd estimate around 2,000 cars in there between 1:00 and 2:00. In and out in 65 minutes.
I'm no lover of government, but Dallas County and City are doing an amazing job with the logistics of the vaccination process. Less than an hour from show-up to drive-away, and never had to get out of the car.
heheheh.... Denton County got you beat.

The Texas Motor Speedway mega site had me in and out in 25 minutes.

As fast as they can get the dosage vials in and prepared, shots are going into arms.
@kayoh190 and @jordane93 , just curious, how are you young’uns eligible?
I was considered eligible since I had kidney cancer 12 years ago. I also have a friend who works at a pharmacy and he got me a shot because they had extra and I understand they're only good so long once opened. Got my first Pfizer shot 3/11, go back for my second on April Fool's Day! Shoulder was sore for about a day, no other side effects.
heheheh.... Denton County got you beat.

The Texas Motor Speedway mega site had me in and out in 25 minutes.

As fast as they can get the dosage vials in and prepared, shots are going into arms.

Well sure, you put a NASCAR pit crew on the job, and folks are going to get their shots and be out of the pits in no time flat.

My neighbor got his at the Charlotte Motor Speedway and got to take a lap around track (alas the wrong direction). I did a drive-by shooting to get my shot in a high school parking lot. From the time I arrived, it was ten minutes until the needle was in my arm and then 15 minutes "observation time" until they let me exit. Never got out of the car the whole time.

I'm just happy my status as a Uber/Lyft driver got me into the earlier phase. My wife is working for a local flight instruction outfit to qualify.
Wife and I got our first Pfizer on Friday. Our Downs daughter lives in an independent living facility, and all staff, residents, and resident guardians were offered the shots. Number two will be on Good Friday.
We’ve had both shots of Moderna. First shot nothing more than sore arm. Second shot, different story. I felt really fatigued on day 2 with bouts of nausea. Wife had chills and aches - similar to flu. For both of us, the side effects lasted only 1 day. My wife loaded up on Emergency and took Advil as a precaution. I did nothing. Interestingly, her 94 old mother had both Moderna shots, and no side effects.
I hope you are sure that it wasn't the high glucose level that caused your lack of energy. Do you have diabetes? Is that why you are conscious of your glucose level?
I need to get and stay higher to lose energy. I avoid that level cause it's not a pleasant feeling. It returned to normal by dinner but I was generally tired over the weekend. Not sure if the 40 pts are meaningful or just statistical noise. And yes, I'm diabetic.
Got my 1st Pfizer yesterday morning. Had the slightest headache around dinner time. A couple advil took care of it. Feel fine today. Fingers crossed the 2nd dose ends up being the same.
Even better news. Getting Johnson & Johnson on Sunday. 1 and done. Anyone get J&J? How’s the side effects?
Anyone get J&J? How’s the side effects?

Varies with the individual, just like the other vaccines. But you'll only go through it once!

I got dose 2 of Moderna almost 24 hours ago. Still a bit of injection site pain, but it wasn't enough to keep me up at night, and I've had no need for pain killers. No fever or other symptoms in my case; I do feel tired, but don't know if that's a result of the vaccine or a result of it being Thursday afternoon of a long work week.
I got Moderna today (1st). No pain, but tired as anything. Rode my bicycle about an hour after and could tell I'd made a big mistake about 14 miles in. Fortunately going back was downwind. Feeling better after semi-napping for a few hours.
Got Pfizer 1/2 yesterday afternoon. Sore muscle where I got stabbed, but other than that I haven't noticed anything else.
Finally got access to shot #1 yesterday (Pfizer) via DoD. Mild lethargic and sore at injection site about 12 hours, fine now. Shot 2 scheduled in 3 weeks.

And with that, both ends of the risk loop are closed: Parents vaxed last month. So I'm pleased to announce after more than 6 years in the making and always getting side railed for one reason or another, the TX-PR bucket trip is finally on. I haven't hugged my parents in 18 months; it's been a trying time for all involved. So traveling via GA will be the perfect way to commemorate this celebration of Life. It's only money... :D

Dedicated thread for the trip incoming next month w/ video blog of the crossings, plus some internal PR tourism footage for those interested. Tentative departure circa mid/late April. 10 day duration. Now back on thread topic. Cheers!
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