I haven't even gotten to those screens..only just trying to format my spreadsheet for importing....
but that's the problem. My log book is "Landings"...not "Full Stop Landings"
I know it doesn't matter.... but the data is not right. There are t&g and full stops all mixed into my numbers. It's the kind of stuff that drives me nuts about data...so many variables...analysis paralysis....
Gotcha. So, when importing, just import it as "landings". The only useful thing for the "full stop" landings is for currency (tailwheel and night). And to qualify for certain ratings. So, basically, after 90 days it becomes irrelevant unless you are actively pursuing a rating where the type of landing matters. And if it really does matter within the next 90 days, or for a rating, you can manually edit the entry and change it.
Importing works pretty well with MFB - however as with any logbook or even any conversion of any data anywhere, it's not perfect. But for pilot logbooks it's good enough. It's pretty irrelevant whether that landing 30 years ago was a touch and go or a full stop, so don't worry about it.
From this point forward, track your FS vs T&G landings if you want, or don't, if you don't want. My paper logbooks never indicated a difference unless I hand-wrote it in, so I'm not too overzealous about my electronic logbook either.
@AggieMike88 said above, there are a whole ton of fields listed as "Properties" that cater to one interest or another. If there's one complaint I have about MFB, it's that
@EricBe has seemingly catered to every possible person's every possible minute desire for tracking with these properties. Of course, that's also one of the great things about him and his software as well, so I'm mixed on it. So I don't use Properties much. But when I do, it seems to take too long to find anything, having to sort through JPALS Approaches or Firebombing or Repellers (?) to get to what I want. But since I don't care about them, I generally just ignore them. This does mean I can't have it automatically calculate how many "Takeoffs - Vx" I've done, but since I don't care, it doesn't matter. For someone who cares, they can enter that data (I am having trouble figuring out why someone requested that specific example, but I'm sure they had a reason).