I had a roommate for one semester in college from one of the countries in the Persian Gulf, before the first gulf war. From what he described, the criminal penalties for things there were far more severe than anywhere here. Death for things that would be minor drug charges here. But did it slow anyone down? Not really. Their crime rates were higher than ours. If you have an equation f(x) = y, where x is the action and y is the consequences, increasing y doesn't help if people don't understand the equation. These people seem stupid...and to me kinda are...but more technically they're people with zero to no impulse control, and typically no ability to plan ahead more than about an hour. As if they can't actually comprehend the concept of what tomorrow is. Can't fix that and can't get rid of them...at least not faster than one at a time using current technology.
I get the desire to put them away, though. I just don't think any of it will make much difference. It's just a bunch of noise for the news shows to make money on.