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-You can marry anything with an anus

No, not true. Sheep have anuses. Anii? What's the plural? Anyway the point is along with everything else you said, this is a gross exaggeration and simply not true.

For the OP... I don't know if you're a troll or not. I've kind of assumed you are I mean why else would you post this here? However the situation you describe is certainly not unique. Millions of people every day are cheating on their spouses, or the more gentle way of saying it falling in love with others and then eventually marriages break up and they move on to the second, and third, etc. It happens. I'm on wife number one but I'm certainly not going to judge others. I'm not going to judge the OP. If he is in love with two women, good luck to him and I hope you can sort his situation out with the minimal amount of hurt to others (especially any kids involved).

I'd like to remind everyone else that screwing around on your spouse is generally not illegal. In certain cases it is (military for example) but generally for most of us it is not. Maybe in your personal belief system it is "bad" or a "sin" but that is YOUR personal belief system. Somebody ranted about the ten commandments earlier. Those are not "laws" just some weird random group of rules written down by someone thousands on years ago. I personally don't accept many of them.
I think you're all missing the bigger picture here, and that is to talk both the wife and the girlfriend into...
And to all the holier than thou here...I'll simply say...



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Morals and manners vary wildly, place-to-place, time-to-time. He's breaking our "local" rules, and has the guilts 'cause he grew up with the local rules ingrained. But nothing particularly special 'bout this set of norms. I guess they work well enough for us. . .but they don't slign real well with biological imperatives. . .
What really defines the OP's morality? If he chooses to stick with them, and support them, despite the fact that he may be getting some strange on, in my mind he stands a lot taller than the guy that dumps his wife in a divorce and leaves her and the kids in a financial crisis, for whatever reason.

And how do we really know his wife isn't on board with this? I suspect that a) she either knows or strongly suspects, b) doesn't particularly care, and c) is perfectly happy to remain in the present platonic partnership that is doomed for eternity. Dudes need outlets. Some women don't.
What really defines the OP's morality? If he chooses to stick with them, and support them, despite the fact that he may be getting some strange on, in my mind he stands a lot taller than the guy that dumps his wife in a divorce and leaves her and the kids in a financial crisis, for whatever reason.

And how do we really know his wife isn't on board with this? I suspect that a) she either knows or strongly suspects, b) doesn't particularly care, and c) is perfectly happy to remain in the present platonic partnership that is doomed for eternity. Dudes need outlets. Some women don't.

He indicated as much.
Not going to comment on the morality of the situation, however, if your question is regarding how to fly safely in the system without using your tail number, have you considered signing up for a "DotCom" callsign with

Other than callsign blocking, this one seems like a good way to go as you won't ever be uttering your N-number over the radio.
Guys - i'm not a troll. I'm a contributor on this board. Period.

I've seen a lot of negative remarks and that's par for the course here, of course. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. I realize I am doing wrong. Not sure why I shared it with the forum.

Some say I can't get it local so I have to travel. Not true. Been with this lady up north (on and off) for over 10 years. Love my family I have in Florida. I really do. But love the other too.

Let the haters hate I guess. Merry Christmas POA.

I understand the bro code, if she has a hot friend, you can use me as an excuse to visit NY. Well the hot friend and free cirrus time when you are busy.
Either your wife finds out, or your side ***** outs you. You owe it to your wife to get tested for STDs though....
And personally.... I would tell her

Yeah... what will that accomplish exactly?

Either break it off with the NY girl and take it to the grave, or get a divorce. My .02! No judgement here, but I hope I am never in your position.

It sounds like you may need help with your decision. If so, we need pics of both
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Just curious what the OP was hoping for by posting this topic here. Was there an aviation-related question? I hope no one is advocating keeping one's tail number "off the radar."
A friend of mine once told me, "If there is any justice in this world, my second wife hasn't even been born yet."
Wow, this thread is awesome. There's no way this ends well with the way things are currently going for you. I'll leave the judgmental posts to others, but you must know that this will eventually come to light, and it will get ugly.

Do yourself a HUGE favor, and start making some decisions about where you want your life to go... If you don't make those decisions for yourself, someone else will ultimately make them for you. It will happen eventually, it almost always does.

In the mean time, I wouldn't recommend changing your N-number by accident.
I'm not one to judge. We don't know the details of why he is getting some slap-'n-tickle up north. It's not illegal that's for sure. Immoral to some, but there is always something that somebody will find immoral.

If you remember nothing else about domestic relations law, remember this: "criminal conversation" is neither criminal -- nor is it conversation.
Yeah... what will that accomplish exactly?

Either break it off with the NY girl and take it to the grave, or get a divorce. My .02! No judgement here, but I hope I am never in your position.

It sounds like you may need help with your decision. If so, we need pics of both

Ah, yes, the overwhelming power of snatch. Makes some fellers go to wayyy yonder too much trouble for it.
Seriously. EVERYONE has some sort of guilty little vice hidden away somewhere. A little bit of alcohol? A little bit of smoking? Maybe popping a few prescription meds when they weren't really needed for pain? Friday night poker sessions? In the scheme of things, a Friday night poke-her session isn't the worst one could do.
It that the ethic you teach your children? No one is perfect so that makes everything permissible? How's your wife feel about "Friday night poke-her sessions", or do you have a different ethic on the forum than you do with your family?
Wow, we sure have a lot of self righteous people here.

Glass houses and all that...

Screw the neighbor (in business)...


Screw the neighbor's wife (and in the process screw your own).

There is no difference between the two IMO...and most won't hesitate to screw their neighbor six days a week. The only reason they don't do it seven days a week is because they're sitting in the front pew on the seventh.

Was there someone in particular you disagreed with, or was this just a general self-righteous slam against people who attend church? Do you agree or disagree that cheating on your wife is a bad thing?
It that the ethic you teach your children? No one is perfect so that makes everything permissible? How's your wife feel about "Friday night poke-her sessions", or do you have a different ethic on the forum than you do with your family?

Bravo on the leading questions and circular reasoning. I'm not condoning the OP's behavior, I just happen to be particularly critical of those who villify him.

And, that assumes the OP isn't a troll. There is a better than even chance he is, making the whole banter especially humorous.
Bravo on the leading questions and circular reasoning. I'm not condoning the OP's behavior, I just happen to be particularly critical of those who villify him.

And, that assumes the OP isn't a troll. There is a better than even chance he is, making the whole banter especially humorous.
Perhaps you could point out which reasoning you considered circular rather than just calling it circular? I'll grant you that the questions were leading, they were intended to make a point. It's seems you would rather dismiss than engage, but I'll attempt again. You did appear to relativize adultery and lying as not a lot different than taking a drink, or having a smoke. That is promoting an ethic whether you recognize it or not. That's fine if that's the way you live, there are plenty of different opinions and lifestyles represented here. I just want to know how consistent you are with that ethic.
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