DO I need help?

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I'm not one to judge. We don't know the details of why he is getting some slap-'n-tickle up north. It's not illegal that's for sure. Immoral to some, but there is always something that somebody will find immoral.

I second the request for a picture.
just really really tired of where we're heading (or have been for quite some time, maybe).

Where we're heading? It's been going on since the beginning of time.

There's a theory (a debatable one, granted) that children resemble their father more than their mother because it is the best way to confirm paternity.

Genetics + evolution (if it's true).

And studies confirm that people can match photos of children and their father easier than to their mother.

Genetics and hormones (whoremones?). Men and women have been fooling around since the beginning of time. It's nothing new.

If anything it's more moral today than at anytime in the past.
Where we're heading? It's been going on since the beginning of time.

There's a theory (a debatable one, granted) that children resemble their father more than their mother because it is the best way to confirm paternity.

Genetics + evolution (if it's true).

And studies confirm that people can match photos of children and their father easier than to their mother.

Genetics and hormones (whoremones?). Men and women have been fooling around since the beginning of time. It's nothing new.

If anything it's more moral today than at anytime in the past.


Look at our closest relatives in the animal kingdom that we share 99% of our DNA with. Our cousins, the bonobos and chimps, enjoy a wonderful life of sex orgies with any willing and able participant. That is our natural state. :D

Look at our closest relatives in the animal kingdom that we share 99% of our DNA with. Our cousins, the bonobos and chimps, enjoy a wonderful life of sex orgies with any willing and able participant. That is our natural state. :D

That brings up an interesting question.


I don't mean marine mammals, I mean fish. Have you ever seen fish F? Fish don't F. The females put some eggs someplace, swim away, and the males go all happyjolly over the mess. How do you define monogamy in THAT environment?
Normal, well sort of. Civilization is based on a reasonable assurance of paternity. In more dip happy places they have less nice things. You wouldn't slave away for that nice suburban home so your wife could raise my kids in it now would you? Some aces men will only help raise their sisters children as that is the closest guarantee of genetic descendants. The morals exist for a reason, without wives and children of their own men wouldn't bother to make the trains run on time or clean water to flow through to our suburban castles.
Not all biblical luminaries were on board with that concept. King David comes to mind.
my point was more toward integrity and honoring your vow - your word and commitment actually meaning something, rather than a monogamy vs orgy discussion
That brings up an interesting question.


I don't mean marine mammals, I mean fish. Have you ever seen fish F? Fish don't F. The females put some eggs someplace, swim away, and the males go all happyjolly over the mess. How do you define monogamy in THAT environment?

Some fish are monogamous, e.g. Angel Fish. Read this, for example.
Do you need help? Well, you have a pretty good story outline. If you can develop the characters and construct a plot which will hold the reader's attention I think you could have a pretty good short story or novella. Hell, you might even turn it into a screenplay for a Lifetime flick.

Good luck, we're all counting on you.


The OP should give it to 6PC to ghost-write the story. He has quite the flair for drama.
I'm still in shock that the OP had the nerve to ask for advice on the board about how to perpetuate his illicit dalliance without getting caught.
I guess it means he still cares about his wife a little that he doesn't want her to find out presumably because the knowledge would give her pain, at least I give him the benefit of the doubt.
There's a reason adultery is one of the big ten.
For your own sake I'd recommend that you break off the affair and return to your wife. I was married to a harpy for 7 years but never cheated and didn't leave because of the views I had made before God. Eventually she did me the huge favor of running off with a younger drug dealing psychopath. I guess we both got what we deserved. That's actually the point of my post here.
One way or the other you will get what you deserve. In this lifetime or the next, one way or the other, one fine day it happens and your reminded why they all say "Karma is a *****."
Ever been ***** slapped by a 7 armed goddess?
If you do decide to break it off I still recommend carrying your secret to your grave. If the guilt gets too heavy remember that it's your guilt. Coming clean will not make you feel better, it will only destroy your family. We all have our crosses to bear and I do not envy you yours. Good luck.
As long as the boy you're seeing is over 18 you've got no worries. Why bother "making mistakes" on your ATC calls?

Yes, you need help. Dump the wife or the little boy. And don't go to the web with this kind of foolishness.

Of course, if it's actually a young girl, you should honor the prior requests for pictures.
The situation can't continue. Either the wife finds out and all hell breaks loose or the mistress moves on when you won't leave the wife. I would start thinking about what the least painful method of extracting yourself from this situation will be for everyone involved now before something blows up.
Yes, you need help, but its probably not the help youre asking about...

Good luck in your, er, endeavors...
A big concern is that thanks to social media (Facebook) if I break it off I feel it could get really ugly.. not really sure what I was thinking. Sometimes I just want to fly away and hide.

I think breaking it off is the best bet but I plan on carrying this to my grave like one poster commented.

Hopefully someone can learn from my many mistakes.
A big concern is that thanks to social media (Facebook) if I break it off I feel it could get really ugly.. not really sure what I was thinking. Sometimes I just want to fly away and hide.

I think breaking it off is the best bet but I plan on carrying this to my grave like one poster commented.

Hopefully someone can learn from my many mistakes.

Although you posted Anon, I'd like to think that it took courage to bring it to light. I congratulate you for that.
If you're banging tail on the side, you best avoid social media.
I think breaking it off is the best bet but I plan on carrying this to my grave like one poster commented.
It might not end in your grave. There is always evidence. But not to worry, you won't know at that point who found out.
I live in southern Florida and been pretty happy with my current situation. But I have a little friend I go see once in awhile up by NYC.

I fly up there frequently and I do my best not to go IFR as others know how to track my flights.

I normally won't even get FF as sometimes you show up in the system. SO I simply keep the NRST ATC facility tuned in and just listen to traffic all the way.

I've done this trip 17 times in 2015. On more than one occasion it has been IFR - so I "accidentally" invert part of the tail #. N123AB becomes N132AB and i've never had a problem.

Here it is Christmas time and I'm hanging with my family contemplating what I should do.... If I give up my trips up north, there wont be anywhere for me to fly to..

What to do... I feel guilty but I know I'll be going again soon....
You need help in ways you'll never understand.
A big concern is that thanks to social media (Facebook) if I break it off I feel it could get really ugly.. not really sure what I was thinking. Sometimes I just want to fly away and hide.

Ah. You're an amateur unfortunately. Yes, you're effed. Never connect with your mistress on social media. Better yet, don't let her know your real details. These affairs always get found out.

You're so good at hiding your real tail number but couldn't figure that out? Burner phone, burner email, fake last name.

Too late now. Just enjoy it while it lasts and brace yourself for a real reaming once the details get out. You're most likely going to have to sell the plane, so ride it and her as much as you can as long as you can.

Good luck my friend.
Not that I particularly care if it's true, but am I the only one that thinks the OP may be trolling, just a little bit?
Not that I particularly care if it's true, but am I the only one that thinks the OP may be trolling, just a little bit?

Trolling? People troll here? Really? Hmmmm...

I mean, would it be trolling if I said:

Hey, if a lot of you guys and gals want to be monogamous, I don't have a problem with that and I won't disparage you for missing out on all the fun.

But don't disparage those of us who are having all it it.

My goal in life has always been to sleep with 100 good looking women. I'm about 87% of the way there...and that doesn't include the "not so good looking" ones and the few I've paid for. :yikes:

i.e. to each his own.

And guess what? I've never caught anything! Never. Yeah, I know, it's amazing.

Ahh...the 70's and 80's were a great time to grow up...though I obviously never did.


And please, talking about how it's going to affect "the next life" just makes me laugh as it does many (most?) pilots.

Would that be trolling?

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