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I doubt it is a troll, having to fly from FL to NY for some tail is too pathetic. A troll wouldn't have cast themselves as that desperate.
I doubt it is a troll, having to fly from FL to NY for some tail is too pathetic. A troll wouldn't have cast themselves as that desperate.

It just seems illogical to me. Maybe the OP doesn't like Latinas but it seems to me that if I lived in Florida and wanted to do that, I'd head South, not North.

(Asia is outside the range of my aircraft.)
I'm wondering a couple things about these flights:
1- what's the enroute time
2- fuel burn
3- Operating costs
4- Ground transportation arrangements and costs
5- Meals (is she footing the bill for that or is he paying for that too?)
6- Her place or is he renting a place by the hour or night

Geez, that's some expensive Poon-Tang.
I'm wondering a couple things about these flights:

Geez, that's some expensive Poon-Tang.

...that's why we need to see a picture :D

She must be really worth it.

The other alternative is the OP is a real dog/loser and he has to fly a thousand miles to find a cow willing to be second fiddle.

Dibs on the plane when his wife wins it in the divorce!

Just remember it is a Cirrus.


I'm wondering a couple things about these flights:
1- what's the enroute time
2- fuel burn
3- Operating costs
4- Ground transportation arrangements and costs
5- Meals (is she footing the bill for that or is he paying for that too?)
6- Her place or is he renting a place by the hour or night

Geez, that's some expensive Poon-Tang.

And still you assume it's famale? And/or real?
Okay, I've decided to give constructive feedback to this troll.

Get the "person" a shuttle flight down to a nearby place. Why do you need to do it in NY?

Then you bury the costs of those flights and hotels in your supposed aircraft operating costs.

And You get to drink and F**** all night long without worrying about the FAA at all.


Oh, but of course, this is true story hehehheheheee
And You get to drink and F**** all night long without worrying about the FAA at all.

NYC to FLL on Jetblue is $150 or so. Book the hotel in the 'little friends' name. Can't beat the airlines.
It might not work to bring the little friend down to Florida. I'm really hoping the little friend is a hot babe and not a small gay midget as has been suggested by others but I digress. For the purposes of what follows I am going with "hot babe".

He mentions the little friend is already connected through social media. He may not want her in the same town, perhaps driving around, bumping into people they both know, etc. Maybe she will have a bout of jealously and head by the marital abode. Not good things. It may not be a bad idea to keep his mistress a thousand miles away.
You must know something that we don't because it was so wacky, I thought it was definitely a troll.
Uh, I'm not saying it's not a troll. I'm saying I suspect the person might be trolling. But it's not so suspicious to warrant killing the thread using "trolling as unregistered" as a reason, in my opinion, anyway. Not speaking for the MC.
I vote troll. A real cheat would know all the ins and outs of hiding his tail (number).
Uh, I'm not saying it's not a troll. I'm saying I suspect the person might be trolling. But it's not so suspicious to warrant killing the thread using "trolling as unregistered" as a reason, in my opinion, anyway. Not speaking for the MC.

Or you can post another reminder about the rules of posting anonymous. That'll flush em' out.:D:D:lol::nono::nonod::rofl:
Or you can post another reminder about the rules of posting anonymous. That'll flush em' out.:D:D:lol::nono::nonod::rofl:
It flushed some people out earlier today! :D

Then there were others who didn't repost under their screen name...
Guy #1: How long have you been wearing a bra?
Guy #2: Ever since my wife found one in the back of the Cirrus.
Ahh...the 70's and 80's were a great time to grow up...though I obviously never did.QUOTE]

Yep, started late 60s and it was a great time. Chasing tail, muscle cars, chasing tail, great music, chasing tail etc. Oh did I mention chasing tail? :D
A big concern is that thanks to social media (Facebook) if I break it off I feel it could get really ugly.. not really sure what I was thinking. Sometimes I just want to fly away and hide.

I think breaking it off is the best bet but I plan on carrying this to my grave like one poster commented.

Hopefully someone can learn from my many mistakes.

Just tell her you contracted herpes or something like that. Either 1) she'll quietly break it off herself, or 2) she'll come clean that you probably got it from her, in which case Karma has been served.
It might not end in your grave. There is always evidence. But not to worry, you won't know at that point who found out.

Or already knew. Funerals can be very entertaining.

I vote troll. A real cheat would know all the ins and outs of hiding his tail (number).

Love the parenthesis.

Why hasn't anyone recommended just moving everyone to Utah and setting missy up with a nice pad right next door, if we're trolling now...? Sheesh. Amateurs.
Ahh...the 70's and 80's were a great time to grow up...though I obviously never did.

Yep, started late 60s and it was a great time. Chasing tail, muscle cars, chasing tail, great music, chasing tail etc. Oh did I mention chasing tail? :D

Just doing my part to uphold the tradition of blowing smoke up everyone's ass that Henning's gone we all have to step it up to pick up the slack.

Just tell her you contracted herpes or something like that. Either 1) she'll quietly break it off herself, or 2) she'll come clean that you probably got it from her, in which case Karma has been served.

Now, that's bad juju.

Or already knew. Funerals can be very entertaining.
I know someone who found out about other cousins, aunts and uncles when she attended her grandfather's funeral. Grandma knew, but she was the only one who knew, including the other women. Now they're one big (happy?) clan.
Just tell her you contracted herpes or something like that. Either 1) she'll quietly break it off herself, or 2) she'll come clean that you probably got it from her, in which case Karma has been served.

"Whenever I'm about to have sex with a girl I automatically assume she has herpes.....

Because that way, I don't have to tell her about my herpes" -Jeselnik
Guys - i'm not a troll. I'm a contributor on this board. Period.

I've seen a lot of negative remarks and that's par for the course here, of course. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. I realize I am doing wrong. Not sure why I shared it with the forum.

Some say I can't get it local so I have to travel. Not true. Been with this lady up north (on and off) for over 10 years. Love my family I have in Florida. I really do. But love the other too.

Let the haters hate I guess. Merry Christmas POA.
Guys - i'm not a troll. I'm a contributor on this board. Period.

I've seen a lot of negative remarks and that's par for the course here, of course. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. I realize I am doing wrong. Not sure why I shared it with the forum.

Some say I can't get it local so I have to travel. Not true. Been with this lady up north (on and off) for over 10 years. Love my family I have in Florida. I really do. But love the other too.

Let the haters hate I guess. Merry Christmas POA.

Clarification needed. That sounds like you have two families!?!?
Guys - i'm not a troll. I'm a contributor on this board. Period.

I've seen a lot of negative remarks and that's par for the course here, of course. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. I realize I am doing wrong. Not sure why I shared it with the forum.

Some say I can't get it local so I have to travel. Not true. Been with this lady up north (on and off) for over 10 years. Love my family I have in Florida. I really do. But love the other too.

Let the haters hate I guess. Merry Christmas POA.
Someone told you that "confession is good for the soul"? That may be true for your why, and I suspect you're at the point in life of looking for a real and viable solution.

Thoughts for you:
1- Identify and be able to verbalize your goals
2- "...any obstacles to your goals
3- Consider the quality of your life if you do nothing, then consider the same if you do something
4- Start with something between the 2 extremes and see how you like it, then decide if you want to do more
5- What could go wrong? What could go right (perfect situation)
6- Write all this down when you have private time - at least an hour
7- Look it over a couple times and make edits, changes as necessary - spend at least 45 mins doing this
8- Set it aside for 15 mins
9- Look at it again and make a few other edits - spend 5 mins
10- Look at it one last time

Hope you find equilibrium
Guys - i'm not a troll. I'm a contributor on this board. Period.

I've seen a lot of negative remarks and that's par for the course here, of course. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. I realize I am doing wrong. Not sure why I shared it with the forum.

Some say I can't get it local so I have to travel. Not true. Been with this lady up north (on and off) for over 10 years. Love my family I have in Florida. I really do. But love the other too.

Let the haters hate I guess. Merry Christmas POA.

You love your family, but have to maintain a lie to keep it. Got it.
Guys - i'm not a troll. I'm a contributor on this board. Period.

I've seen a lot of negative remarks and that's par for the course here, of course. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. I realize I am doing wrong. Not sure why I shared it with the forum.

Some say I can't get it local so I have to travel. Not true. Been with this lady up north (on and off) for over 10 years. Love my family I have in Florida. I really do. But love the other too.

Let the haters hate I guess. Merry Christmas POA.

Even trolls can contribute, even if those contributions don't really mean much.

Did you expect to receive "positive" remarks? An "atta boy" or "congrats"?

You do not "love the family you have in Florida", if you did you wouldn't be doing what you're doing. Commit or don't, there is no in between in life or marriage.

There may be times in a marriage when people start to doubt/waver and they should talk to their partner about it or go to counseling, work it out. Or, end it. Either option takes balls, which you physically have, but are otherwise absent through your cowardice and weak-willed actions.
I think this might happen more often than others may suspect. Even in the good old days.

I'm not sure why the OP shared either, because I could have predicted the reaction.
Well do you want to be a good man? Or be good at being a man? I think you aren't either at the moment. First one requires you stop banging outside your marriage, the second one just requires you stop feeling guilty for banging outside of your marriage. Both valid choices in my book.
Guys - i'm not a troll. I'm a contributor on this board. Period.

I've seen a lot of negative remarks and that's par for the course here, of course. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. I realize I am doing wrong. Not sure why I shared it with the forum.

Some say I can't get it local so I have to travel. Not true. Been with this lady up north (on and off) for over 10 years. Love my family I have in Florida. I really do. But love the other too.

Let the haters hate I guess. Merry Christmas POA.
Guys - i'm not a troll. I'm a contributor on this board. Period.

I've seen a lot of negative remarks and that's par for the course here, of course. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. I realize I am doing wrong. Not sure why I shared it with the forum.

Some say I can't get it local so I have to travel. Not true. Been with this lady up north (on and off) for over 10 years. Love my family I have in Florida. I really do. But love the other too.

Let the haters hate I guess. Merry Christmas POA.

Hey man not everyone on here is a judgmental prick. Your life is your life and while it may not be fair to your family, it's not my place to judge. God knows I have my own skeletons in the closet.

That being said, block your tail number with the FAA, tell the wife that you did it because it stops spam and junk mail. I'd try to come up with a valid reason to go to new york a few times a year, and just use that -- maybe it's training with an old CFI, or meeting up with a buddy that has a seaplane and hopping around some lakes or something.

Problem with picking a different tail number has been documented here -- it just makes you look suspicious. I know that my tail number has been used "accidentally" and I get notifications from flightaware when it happens. If it happened a few times in the same general area or flight I would probably notify the FAA or someone about it.

Go have some fun!
-Its offensive to differentiate between Girl/Boy or Male/Female.
-Drugs are legal
-You can marry anything with an anus
-You're a judgemental Prick if you say negative or hurtful things to a man who disregards every vow he made and goes out of his way to do so.

Welcome to the new Liberal America Bring on 2016!!!
re: haters gotta hate ... I didn't post from a hateful position or point of view. You've put yourself, your family and your "friend up north" in a predicament from which no good can come. They will ALL be hurt regardless of the choice you make. It's a tough spot you're in. I think you posted, looking for admonition or encouragement to make it right ... otherwise, I think you would have just continued to keep it secret, right?
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