No discussion required, what are you not clear on? It's a difference in a pros attitude and actions. They consider the ramp rat's comfort because there was a day they stood at the other side of the windshield. Most amateur GA pilots have not held the job and they display an attitude of uncaring and inconsideration as your writing demonstrated. The difference between a pro in an FBO and an amateur is not in the uniform.
Where in any of my post did you see me not worried about the rampie's comfort? You're not reading. I distinctly said I'd let the desk know. And that the rampie could stay inside in the Air Conditioning. Did you miss that?
I also chat with the rampies. You guys are making it sound like only "pros" know how to talk to people. ROFL.
I never condoned sitting there with the engine running and some guy sweating his balls off waiting. Not once in this thread. Read my replies again.
The second post was ONLY in response to Wayne's retarded comment that Private light aircraft pilots could "emulate the pros" who fly a jet that is sitting ten feet away and they're doing a quick turn vs. the typical PP who's renting and should just follow their damn checklist and prep the same way they always prep... while COMMUNICATING they're going to be a minute before they close the door and crank. (By the way. That's the easiest way to signal you're not going anywhere yet. Just leave the door open. It's hot anyway. Rampies will magically appear when the door closes and the prop turns.)
I was a rampie! (Of course my usual way to find out if we'd have a delay was to ask via the interphone, but it's no different.) We sometimes got ignored. Big deal.
I've stood in the snow and glycol waiting for a Captain to get his crap together many times. It was just part of the job. Maybe he was waiting on Clearance Delivery, or Dispatch. Hell if I knew. I think the record was 30 minutes with no reply from the interphone and no response to hand signals. I was getting paid the same standing next to the tug or sitting in the warm room under the people cookers. Didn't matter to me. I was dressed appropriately for the bad WX.
But I never said in my reply to Wayne that I'd make any rampie stand there -- or not communicate to the FBO that I'd be a while if I were. I was just pointing out his sillyness in saying that PPs could have the aircraft pre-flighted every time.
Our pax in light aircraft are us -- most of the time. We're not standing in the FBO lobby with polyester pants and a clip on tie expecting to schlep some Aspberger's patient's luggage from their BMW to the plane. There's zero need for me to walk out, pre-flight, and walk back in prior to departure. I let the FBO know I need the aircraft pulled out on the way to the airport via cell phone and I walk out and leave.
Wayne trying to make that into a "pro" vs "non-pro" story is retarded.
Let's use real world scenarios.
If I'm leaving home base I'm pulling it from the hangar myself. I can take whatever time I want. I'm not on an FBO ramp. I'm buried in a hangar row somewhere. About all I can screw up is blocking the row.
If I'm at an out-station at an FBO the only part of the preflight I can complete prior to departure is the radios and they're already set from the inbound most of the time. The frequencies are already in the flip-flops. If I were Instrument rated I could whip out the handheld for Clearance Delivery but haven't seen any "pros" doing that. So what's left?
What exactly would Wayne like us "amateurs" to do? Pre-set the fuel selector to Both? Haha.
I'll run right out and do that, go back in and pee, and then I'll be gone 15 seconds sooner after the potty break. No rampies will be harmed in the making of this film.
I don't dawdle on the FBO ramp. If there are people who do, that's their problem. I talk to the FBO staff -- especially in hot weather -- and they know my plan. The stereotype is silly.
I don't deserve any "non-pro" stereotype BS or any crap from "pros" over any of that.
Save it for the idiots who take 10 minutes to get moving. And I've seen both "pros" and "amateurs" who do that. Sometimes they're just waiting on a Clearance.