New to the forum here but got a burning question to ask. Please reference the KFAR loc or ILS 18 approach plate. The other day I was getting vectors for the approach. And the controller said, " tail# 14 miles from kenie cleared for the localizer rwy 18" we were at 4000 MSL it was a training flight so we were doing the non-precision approach. My question is when could I have descended down to 2500 MSL? The approach plate only gives that altitude within 1 minute of Kenie. I know it represents the 1 min holding pattern there. But that far out I wasn't sure if it would be okay to descend to 2500. I interpret that like the remain w/in 10nm on other approaches. If I'm cleared for the approach within 10 NM I can descend to the altitude. However, in this case that is not charted. Would I just start my descent when I felt I was 1 min from kenie? Seems like that would be a steep descent rate for a minutes time. I verified with the controller if I could descend to 2500 and he said I could but was wondering if there was something I missed in my IFR training. Thank you for your time.