Brag about your life

Dad taught Mom to fly a J-3. They got married, of course.
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I didn't go to private school, but I also underperformed because I more or less chose to. At the tender age of 8, I decided there was more to life than grades, and my teachers (but not my parents) were constantly harping on how I wasn't living up to my potential. I ended up as an internationally known scientist (recently appeared in the top 100,000 worldwide by citations, that is, how many people cited my work in their own). So much for not living up to my potential.

are you like a mad scientist or a heisenberg scientist?
I own a V-tail.
My wife is a pilot and a veterinarian. And she hasn't left me yet after 32 years of marriage.
The private school I attended for elementary school kicked me out halfway through the third grade. They apparently determined that I had a severe learning disability and suggested that I instead be enrolled in a special ed program. In any event, they didn't want an underachiever like me bringing down the joint.

Fast forward a bit, turns out I did just fine in "regular" ed. Straight A student, smoked the ACT and was the first in my family to graduate college, graduated at the top of my law school class and, at 35, I am up for election to partner this year at my Global 10 law firm where I represent some of the largest companies on earth in their M&A deals. God had other plans for me, to him be the Glory.

Oh, and I am happily married to a wonderful wife, have two nieces, both my parents are still alive and healthy and I am building a beautiful house in suburban Atlanta that a scallywag kid like me that got kicked out of a second-rate private school in the third grade has no business owning. :)

Notwithstanding that this is a brag thread, this is more of a highlight reel of what I am incredibly grateful for.

And I seem to have almost mastered the "art of the start" of the extremely cold-natured Piper Archer I'm finishing up my PPL in. That may be my proudest achievement to date. Starting carbureted engines is a foreign concept to those of us who grew up with fuel-injected cars!

I was a similarly under-performing (or under-appreciated) student in my younger years (and even in undergrad). Through some hard work and dumb luck, ended up at a top law school, graduated toward the top of my class, spent some time in NYC biglaw and I'm now a partner (litigator) at a large national law firm and still in my 30s. Funny how that works, right?

I read this as the bar is pretty low to become a lawyer. :)

Just kidding………………mostly. :)
After 125 hours and nearly 400 landings , I made a beautiful crosswind landing today.
No one was there to appreciate it.

At some point, you won't care that nobody appreciated it. You will just keep doing it, and get better at it. That will make you feel better.
A thankful post. Damn why didn't I think of that as the title

Nice to read about what others are thankful
I read this as the bar is pretty low to become a lawyer. :)

Just kidding………………mostly. :)

I mean, you do this job long enough and you’ll question how in the world some lawyers passed the bar. Most all lawyers are very competent and serve their clients well, but a few others … maybe not so much.
I caught a fly with chopsticks in front of a roomful of shocked Koreans.

I have been a pilot for 11/16 of my lifetime.
I've been lucky enough to have run into many people who are better people than I am, and for whatever un-explainable reason many of them have put up with me. Yeah, baffling.
Airline Capt making good money. No kids, but have wife of 27 years. Party all the time and own a Vette. Built house to my specs.
Great post! I wasn't gonna comment as these type threads ain't my style but your post reminds me of how thankful I am that God brought aviation into my life as a gift among the many He has given me!

My thoughts exactly! So many of my life's turns have to have been guided by God, even though I try to take the credit sometimes. I am constantly grateful for all the blessings in my life, of which aviation is just one.
First British Apache Pilot although in the US Army at the time…lol…As a liaison to the British Army for a few months it caused quite the issue as they had problems fielding the aircraft…
The private school I attended for elementary school kicked me out halfway through the third grade. They apparently determined that I had a severe learning disability and suggested that I instead be enrolled in a special ed program. In any event, they didn't want an underachiever like me bringing down the joint.

Fast forward a bit, turns out I did just fine in "regular" ed. Straight A student, smoked the ACT and was the first in my family to graduate college,
I had a very similar story. I was always last to finish my test papers, largely because I kept falling asleep in class. They wanted to put me in a "special ed" class too, for the same reason. My parents kept fighting it until my stepfather was transferred to another duty station. The new schools were twice as hard and I found out that I could stay awake if the classes weren't so basic and boring.
Brag about your life. I'll go first. I'm a female IR pilot, married to the same guy for 11.5 years known for 29. Work a part time job because I am learning the Argentine tango.

Anyone else want to share?
Today I bore my full weight on my legs for the first time since spinal surgery six weeks ago, for two whole minutes.
I’m not much for bragging, but I am enjoying life. Flew on our own plane to the keys to celebrate the wife’s birthday. Certainly can’t complain.

I had a very similar story. I was always last to finish my test papers, largely because I kept falling asleep in class. They wanted to put me in a "special ed" class too, for the same reason. My parents kept fighting it until my stepfather was transferred to another duty station. The new schools were twice as hard and I found out that I could stay awake if the classes weren't so basic and boring.

Similar thing with school at a young age. Never found it interesting. A high school English teacher was shocked when he saw my IQ score. He thought I was dumb. I joined the Air Force - no college. They told me that if I wanted to fly I should get an Engineering degree. Drove over to the local college and asked about it. The fellow gave me a placement test for math. I can't believe I knew all that stuff! I guess it soaked in despite my best efforts. Started down that road part time in the Air Force. The wouldn't let me fly because I was color blind, but I was starting to like the Engineering thing. Got out of the AF finished my degree in Electrical Engineering. Good grades too. Changed my life.
Yea but I re married her 20 years later! I am a dummy! lol Well maybe not, she encouraged me to buy our plane.

Friends of ours got married in their early 20's and it only lasted a few years. They got married again in their mid 30's. They are now 60 and still married. They had an unnamed boat when they remarried. Without them knowing we put a sticker on it "Deja Vu". The name stayed until they sold it almost 10 years later.
Married 37 years, no kids and never wanted any. Grew up around aviation. Been flying Corporate since 1984 except 5 years sailing our boat in the Caribbean around 2000. Never been laid off and only had 4 corporate flying jobs. Even had a flying job waiting for me when I got back from the Caribbean.

Plus I flew the predecessor of the Westwind, the Jet Commander, but just as contract SIC. :p
I once did a perfect (somewhat accidental) split ess in a 1952 OH-23B. Had not been that surprised since puberty.
Not sure I’ve mentioned it before but I own a DeLorean…and I’m thankful for that.
Friends of ours got married in their early 20's and it only lasted a few years. They got married again in their mid 30's. They are now 60 and still married. They had an unnamed boat when they remarried. Without them knowing we put a sticker on it "Deja Vu". The name stayed until they sold it almost 10 years later.

My best friend had a failed divorce, too.