I just purchased another airplane for crosscountry travel, and in the process i pay this facility for a pre buy inspection, the ap come back with very good comp numbers and 1 major ad, based on that i offer the owner a cash offer according to my budget and the annual plus ad cost, now one day before delivery this shops come back to me saying i need a prop overhaul, i got the ad list over my ap here in town and he found that this ap that perform the pre buy inspection actually forgot to do the ad last year and sign the annual any way. If the ad was performed and prop was keep current the overhaul wont be necessary, the excuse of prop shop is that perform both ad's on the prop cost more than overhaul, But overhaul would take care of both ad's. Im really ****ed far away from the plane and my flight to Florida on my own plane for Christmas is not happening. What would you do?
prop is a hartzell 2 blades on a O-360
AD 95-11-08 AND AD 2005-18-12
prop is a hartzell 2 blades on a O-360
AD 95-11-08 AND AD 2005-18-12