So im facing that predicament of choosing what to do as far as college and a career. Im a senior in highschool with a PPL and trying to decide whats next. I feel like in the long run I wont be happy doing anything other than being in the aviation field. Like an office job or something like that...not something i want to do. My GPA is roughly a 3.2 so i feel like i should atleast qualify for most things. The medical field would be nice, especially the $$, but then again its not my top interest. I know money is not everything and you should choose a career that you enjoy. Even though that statement is true you have to choose something to make a living and give you enough cash to survive, and i feel like the aviation field is pretty grim in that category which drives me away, and do it only for a hobby. Also thought about the ROTC but i feel like getting a pilot slot is few and far between and my chances there are also slim, compared so say 20+ years ago. Im in a tough situation here because i need to figure this out.
Career: Most of us here have had more than one. Don't sweat it.
Congrats on the Private rating.
Happiness: Whether you're happy or not is your choice. It has nothing to do with what you're doing. There's people who are very happy dealing with garbage. My garbage guy owns the company and loves owning his own company. He also loves restoring historically accurate WWII Jeeps.
GPA: Useful only in Academia and as a footnote on your first resume' getting your first job. Frankly no one after that will care ever again for the next 50 years. Don't sweat it unless you're applying for something that needs it.
Medical: If it's not a passion, I wouldn't think of going there. Look up how long it takes to get from med school (already difficult enough) through residency and how much money it costs.
Choosing a career you enjoy: Better plan. Choose to enjoy your career.
Enough cash to survive: Starting with no debt, you're way ahead of the game. If you could see the bills stacked on the countertops of many people who LOOK wealthy and have toys, you'd be amazed. You'd also be amazed at how little one can live on when everything is paid for. I knew someone who paid for all of their expenses per year, in a paid off house, including utilities, fuel and maintenance on paid off vehicles, and the usual stuff, good food (cooked his own meals), and still had some money left over for three or four hobbies - $12K a year. He wasn't living high on the hog but he wasn't in shabby clothes or even looking poor. You can't underestimate how important remaining out of debt is. Learn to hate debt.
ROTC: It is exactly what you make of it. There's people who get those limited slots every year because they busted their butt for them.
Aviation field: If you start young, eschew debt, and fly your ass off, there's jobs out there and airplanes that need to be flown.
If you fall into the trap of comparing your life, money, whatever to other people and letting jealousy drive your thoughts, you'll hate a job that has you relatively broke for 15 years.
If you choose instead to enjoy the ride knowing it takes a long haul commitment, and just go flying, you might enjoy it significantly.
They're going to be plenty of "life events" over the years that'll make choosing a career look like nothing.