This was an accident with no definitive blame. Three mistakes were made by three different people. Take away one of them and the accident never would have happened. From the NTSB report:
The probable causes of this accident were (a) the unauthorized penetration of
identification and control of unknown aircreft, (c! deviation by the Baron pilot from a
Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) and NORAD SAGE facilities regarding
requirement to activate a previously filed VFR flight plan and thus dr-lare ADIZ
penetration, (dl fsilure of the Baron pilot to file and activate an instr:m?n: flight plan
before operating in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), !e) inadequate tracking
sensitivity for both ground rrnd airborne radar for the intended mission, (f) use of an
excessive closure rate between unidentified aircraft and F4-C while depending on visual
iden:Ification in IXC, &xi (g) continuation of the 24-C intercept mission after
iden.ification of the Baron hed been established