Ask Sac a question


Will you ever, ever eat a sandwich with a bun again? Even for your last, dying meal?

Eating the bun with the sandwich could possibly MAKE it my last, dying meal. Well okay that is an over-exaggeration (even if it is not an over-exaggeration for affected relatives.) I don't do it often, but I do. I've probably eaten one burger with the bun within the last five years, and maybe a sandwich. I have eaten pasta and pizza on a more frequent basis but I keep that stuff to a minimum.
Eating the bun with the sandwich could possibly MAKE it my last, dying meal. Well okay that is an over-exaggeration (even if it is not an over-exaggeration for affected relatives.) I don't do it often, but I do. I've probably eaten one burger with the bun within the last five years, and maybe a sandwich. I have eaten pasta and pizza on a more frequent basis but I keep that stuff to a minimum.
Has Sac eaten a Taco in the last five years?
Eating the bun with the sandwich could possibly MAKE it my last, dying meal. Well okay that is an over-exaggeration (even if it is not an over-exaggeration for affected relatives.) I don't do it often, but I do. I've probably eaten one burger with the bun within the last five years, and maybe a sandwich. I have eaten pasta and pizza on a more frequent basis but I keep that stuff to a minimum.

What pizza does Sac prefer?
Why does Sac like sausage?

Because it's like rolled bacon.

Isn't "sausage and pepperoni" redundant? Like saying "fish and trout" or "trees and redwoods" "islands and Hawaii"?

Two words. Tuna fish. It's like saying bacon and bacon is redundant. Sure, it is, but you can never have enough bacon.
Because it's like rolled bacon.

Two words. Tuna fish. It's like saying bacon and bacon is redundant. Sure, it is, but you can never have enough bacon.
Has Sac met Tim? I understand that Tim is giving sausage to fellow pilots...
is there an antipeller? just wondering.
Yes. It’s what propellers are called in Australia.
Are Asian girls really better? And which kind of Asian girl is best?

Also, is DB Cooper still alive and rich?
For the time being, eventually, every car will be a Fiat.

Will they be the Fiat that is really a Mazda Miata kind of and, if so, is there a way to make them less reliable to more closely resemble real Fiats?
Will they be the Fiat that is really a Mazda Miata kind of and, if so, is there a way to make them less reliable to more closely resemble real Fiats?

That will happen when they acquire Harley Davidson.
when would you ever have your cake and not want to eat it too?
when would you ever have your cake and not want to eat it too?
With Sac's permission, I'll field that one... the answer is..

"when the cake was baked by my gluten-free sister." You may want to have it to use as a door stop or paperweight, but you definitely do not want to eat it.
With Sac's permission, I'll field that one... the answer is..

"when the cake was baked by my gluten-free sister." You may want to have it to use as a door stop or paperweight, but you definitely do not want to eat it.

I'd ask for a new sister
With Sac's permission, I'll field that one... the answer is..

"when the cake was baked by my gluten-free sister." You may want to have it to use as a door stop or paperweight, but you definitely do not want to eat it.

I would assume your sister is gluten free, unless she has some rather unusual physiology.
Is there ever any reason to eat fruitcake? Or candy corn?
Is there ever any reason to eat fruitcake

yes. Fruitcake gets a bad rap. But don’t tell the FAA you are eating it. Fruitcake has a high alcohol content and you will be put on the HIMS-4-lyfe program.

Or candy corn?

never. No. Not ever. Hatred candy corn worse than tuna casserole or any other food product. Never.
yes. Fruitcake gets a bad rap. But don’t tell the FAA you are eating it. Fruitcake has a high alcohol content and you will be put on the HIMS-4-lyfe program.

never. No. Not ever. Hatred candy corn worse than tuna casserole or any other food product. Never.
They'll be harvesting candy corn soon out here.
yes. Fruitcake gets a bad rap. But don’t tell the FAA you are eating it. Fruitcake has a high alcohol content and you will be put on the HIMS-4-lyfe program.

never. No. Not ever. Hatred candy corn worse than tuna casserole or any other food product. Never.
Worsen than wax soda bottle candy? Or the chewing gum that came in a pack of baseball cards?
Worsen than wax soda bottle candy? Or the chewing gum that came in a pack of baseball cards?
I would gladly survive on those two things if it meant I'd never have to eat a marshmellow Peep again....
Is there ever any reason to eat fruitcake? Or candy corn?

Yes and no. Literally. I actually like fruitcake for some perverse reason. You could probably take those to Japan and sell them to wealthy collectors pawning them off as historic artifacts that had been stashed away prior to Lincoln's inauguration.

You think Kawasaki would be willing to sell?

It would be a shame if they did, as the good times could no longer roll.
why do restaurants/waitresses/servers insist on giving you a merchant copy of the receipt and a customer copy, but almost ALWAYS put the customer copy on top? it's so fargin annoying....just give me the one I have to sign on top so I can sign, give u all the copies, and zoom climb out of there? if I need a copy of the receipt I'll ask for one.
why do restaurants/waitresses/servers insist on giving you a merchant copy of the receipt and a customer copy, but almost ALWAYS put the customer copy on top? it's so fargin annoying....just give me the one I have to sign on top so I can sign, give u all the copies, and zoom climb out of there? if I need a copy of the receipt I'll ask for one.

I kind of feel like I'm talking to myself, but the machines spit the merchant copy out first, and the are too lazy to hold on to it before the customer copy comes out.

Or it might be a sobriety test.
why do restaurants/waitresses/servers insist on giving you a merchant copy of the receipt and a customer copy, but almost ALWAYS put the customer copy on top? it's so fargin annoying....just give me the one I have to sign on top so I can sign, give u all the copies, and zoom climb out of there? if I need a copy of the receipt I'll ask for one.
You can sign the customer copy. They'll get paid. Not that third one you get sometimes though. If it has an amount line and signature line, it's good.
They will get paid anyway even if you don't sign it. It's just harder for the tip to be contested if you do.
why do restaurants/waitresses/servers insist on giving you a merchant copy of the receipt and a customer copy, but almost ALWAYS put the customer copy on top? it's so fargin annoying....just give me the one I have to sign on top so I can sign, give u all the copies, and zoom climb out of there? if I need a copy of the receipt I'll ask for one.

I sign the one on the top and leave the whole stack there. I've never had a problem with them figuring out how to charge my card. I don't even look to see what it says about the copies.
I would assume your sister is gluten free, unless she has some rather unusual physiology.

Reminds me of a headline I read the other day. It was something like "Pastries baked by delicious Polish family". I was left wondering who was eating the family and didn't that cut down on their pastry making.