I've been a member since 1989 and will continue for as long as I fly. I don't think the organization is perfect, but I do think it's important to have a voice in DC for GA. While AOPA doesn't get everything done in DC that we GA pilots would like, what would we get without their lobbying?
I spent 3 years on the National Ford Dealer Council, I figured out real quick, it wasn't always what we got done, sometimes it was what we stopped that counted.
We were basically the representatives of the dealers and dealt with the brass at Ford and some of the goofiest ideas I ever heard that they all thought would be great in the real world.
I'm pretty sure the lobbyists do something similar with our out of touch congress critters on our behalf.
Regardless of how effective the lobbyists are, I like the magazine, not every article, but it's great bathroom material. The cost is really minimal, especially in the scheme of what my annual aviation expenses.
I think Craig makes a lot of money, maybe too much, maybe too little, I do know the heads of big organizations make big money. But I as long as the organization is doing well financially, I really don't care what the job pays, unless of course they want a different fat guy for the job and call me.
It's certainly a personal choice, I just think it's an organization that does more the help GA than any other I am familiar with and $50.00 a year is my least annual expenditure relating to aviation.