Taxi to Parking
More specifically in the vicinity of Thomaston-Upson County Airport, KOPN?
Is the Free Bird stuck down there or you getting something new and need a pre-buy?
Getting a Mooney! Need a prebuy. Probably fly down on Friday if the wx cooperates.
What kind of Mooney? Details.
Thought of Lance Flynn?? ...he owns or owned a Mooney and is in those parts...
There is a Mooney Service Center at Rome Georgia. KRMG - 50 miles NW of Atlanta. It might be worth speaking with them for either a lead on someone South of the city or to have them do the inspection.
Awesome Michael!
Is China still going to be a partner? Can he fit in an M20C?
I was there once! What a good idea!
I will keep you all in the loop. I am all too well aware of my own shortcomings in this arena, but can hopefully muddle through. My one Mooney landing thus far was firm to say the least, but we didn't break anything. Indeed, I've had worse. I imagine we all have. Thank you and everyone else for your counsel.
Is there a chance that you can fly it to Rome for the inspection?
I think I have a guy lined up for an inspection at OPN. He's also a CFI, so he can give me some transition training. I'll need more, not certain who'll do that.
You mean Lance F? Pretty certain I've met him, though I didn't know he was a mechanic. If we're talking about the same guy I'd love to have him do it if he's available.
Yes sir.
I don't think he is a mechanic but is certainly a Mooney owner...he might have great insight into getting the inspection done in the area.
Yes sir.
I don't think he is a mechanic but is certainly a Mooney owner...he might have great insight into getting the inspection done in the area.
I might have an inspection worked out, the guy is local and doesn't know the owner (or os he says). He is a bit spendy ($0.4 AMU) though that could well be the going rate these days. Haven't done this in since 2001. Still it would be nice to hear a local say the guy is trustworthy.
I have send a PM to Lance to get his input (haven't' any other contact info). I'm certain I've meet him at some point.
This is all condition on the wx cooperating, which is ain't right now.
He is on Facebook as well...
Getting a Mooney! Need a prebuy. Probably fly down on Friday if the wx cooperates.
There is a Mooney Service Center at Rome Georgia. KRMG - 50 miles NW of Atlanta. It might be worth speaking with them for either a lead on someone South of the city or to have them do the inspection.
I live 20 minutes (flying) south of Thomaston and Griffin. Let me know if I can help.
Happy to hear. Know a local CFI with Mooney time?
not really, I used a few guys in the Warner Robins area for my instrument training, but neither of them had much mooney time. In fact I had to name them to my insurance b/c they didn't have enough hours in type to use my existing policy.
Just talked to a fellow named Jeff Hayes, a CFI with a Mooney there. Unfortunately, both the guys at that airport gotta be back at work Monday (actually, so do I, but that never stopped me). I can probably get some of the hours I need for the insurance from these guys, but I will need more. Hopefully I'll find someone.
Plan is to fly down tomorrow if I can get the wx. Hope I can, this may be the last weekend I can do this for awhile.
that was Joey's old place. I believe he moved a few years ago.