Anyone know a good A&P in the vicinity of Atlanta?

Well guys, I've had a pretty big wrench thrown in this whole thing. Looks like I'm going to have to scrub. Rats. Won't be able to do this again until August.

sorry to hear that. let me know the next time you may come down to Thomaston.
My hope is August, provided the fellow doesn't sell the Mooney before that. I will keep everyone apprised. I am looking forward to meeting the Georgia POA contingent.
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Well bummer. I was looking forward to a get together down here.
Well, I was hoping you could take a look at my boss's Mooney while you were down.

Next time.
Well guys, I've had a pretty big wrench thrown in this whole thing. Looks like I'm going to have to scrub. Rats. Won't be able to do this again until August.

Send the money. We'll take care of the rest, minus some minor holding expenses.
Download the MooneyFlyer, it has list of instructors who specialized in Mooneys, including Atlanta area. Checkout Mooneyspace as well.

The Mooney Flyer lists one guy, I might call him at need. Fortunately if I do this in August (assuming I don't find a better deal first…) I'll have a bit more time and wiggle room to find folks to give me the needed training. One good thing coming out of this, the airplane will get a fresh annual with me watching (actually assisting). I like that.
Well, I was hoping you could take a look at my boss's Mooney while you were down.

Next time.

Ohio isn't such a long trip in a Mooney…

However, I recall your supervisor wishing to acquire his next aircraft before parting with his current aircraft (a sensible approach in the book of Steingar) and I suspect the timing won't work terribly well.

Pity, I'd rather an M20E. But I go where the deal is.

Again, heartfelt thanks for all the help and suggestions. POA is a great place.
Pity, I'd rather an M20E. But I go where the deal is.

Remember, over a 10+ year period of ownership; hangar, maintenance, fuel, insurance, avionics costs will exceed the cost of the plane, plan for it and you may be better off getting a nicer E that costs more now but would make you happier in the long run.
The E has the advantage of higher speed, but remember that angle valve cylinders are a bunch more expensive if you need one and more fuel burn, plus likely not going to be certified to run MoGas.
The E has the advantage of higher speed, but remember that angle valve cylinders are a bunch more expensive if you need one and more fuel burn, plus likely not going to be certified to run MoGas.

All true and the speed difference is really not all that great. That said, I doubt I'll ever be able to get mogas free of booze for anything that's appreciably cheaper than avgas, and it will be a huge hassle to get it as it is. I don't frequent marinas to the degree you do, and I've not found the stuff available anywhere else. Then again, things change. Could be in the future booze free avgas is more widely available. You do make good points as always.