Any traffic, please advise - the last word?

Large scale deployment of the ADS-B system will really make operating at busy non-tower airports much safer.
All I want to know is, what runway is in use, or which runway do the winds favor.

If you don't hear any traffic, there is NO runway in use...not there's such a thing as an "in-use" runway at a non-towered field. Surely, you must have some idea which way then wind is blowing in the area you are flying. Set up your pattern entry for whatever runway you want. If, on downwind the windsock doesn't agree with your plan, then just turn x-wind for the other downwind. And I really don't care which runway some other guy chose to land on a few minutes ago. I like to look at the windsock. Not saying I'm going to go against the grain when there are 4 planes in the pattern for one runway (assuming there is no wind safety issue with that runway), but I just don't get the big deal about finding out the "in-use" runway...especially when you don't hear any traffic. Some of the procedure monkey types are slavish to this "in-use" runway stuff. So much so that they'll taxi 7000' to the end of a runway that has been "in use" all day, when there is no significant wind, and there is nobody else using the field...and then they'll admonish you on the radio, saying runway XX is "in use" should you make a call for the other runway. Sigh.
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Our field uses 122.75 and shares with a small field next to us. Was in the pattern this weekend with three others. An onbound jet made the ATITPPA announcement (we were annoucing). I responded ""Tiger 630 turning downwind, four AC in the pattern". Everyone did power off 180's which allowed the jet to keep his straight in final.
So much so that they'll taxi 7000' to the end of a runway that has been "in use" all day, when there is no significant wind, and there is nobody else using the field...and then they'll admonish you on the radio, saying runway XX is "in use" should you make a call for the other runway. Sigh.

That's when you say "Active runway has been changed to YY. And I'm taking the active."
The bare basics -- WWW

WHO are you
WHERE are you (see above)
WHAT are you going to do (very important but often overlooked):mad2:

This misses one since most Unicom frequencies are shared. Four Ws. Works for almost any two-way radio scenario even outside of aviation:

Who you're calling
Who you are
Where you are
What you want
So - now that airspace has become much less crowded, do we still feel the general waste of air time to say ATITAPA is problematic?
Of course traffic declines, we have much more time to speak and say superfluous things on the radio.
Large scale deployment of the ADS-B system will really make operating at busy non-tower airports much safer.

How so? :dunno:

There'll still be NORDO aircraft that don't have ADS-B equipment, and they're still not gonna show up on your traffic screen the same way they don't with TIS, TCAD, or even TCAS today.

And there'll still be those who don't squawk unless they have to, even if they are so equipped.

So, even with a bunch of average joes out there who just do as they're told, you'll be missing enough traffic that it's still going to be an eyes-outside situation... And any safety gains we get from having TIS-B displays will probably be eliminated by everyone having their heads inside looking at the TIS-B displays. :nonod:
That's when you say "Active runway has been changed to YY. And I'm taking the active."

Ha ha..."taking the active". The AIM should ban that one too while they're at it. :)
In Montana at least, if I heard a couple of guys talking football on the CTAF for as long as I could take, I'd key up a ridiculous position report "Dillon traffic, Cherokee 00W is 62.73 miles nort-north east of the airport at 8,500 maneuvering in the area, MOST of the time the next call would be "Jim swap over to 123.45"

Oh god, now ya did it. Here's comes the onslaught of advice that 123.45 isn't approved either.
You know you can't use 123.45 (fingers) for that kind of communication. It's reserved for flight test activity. :(

That's it I'm notifying DHS!
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I always want to ask them if they'll put it back after they're done with it, since they're "taking" it. :)

I always thought the concern with the phrase was the use of "active" vs. the use of "taking." One can take a nap, and not have to put it back, just as one can take a runway without having to pick it up and then put it back....

But there's no such thing as an inactive runway at an uncontrolled airport
I always thought the concern with the phrase was the use of "active" vs. the use of "taking." One can take a nap, and not have to put it back, just as one can take a runway without having to pick it up and then put it back....

But there's no such thing as an inactive runway at an uncontrolled airport

Oh granted I've already complained about "active runway" plenty... another thread of that is just boring. Unless of course, by "active" they mean it's moving... 'cause it has a TREADMILL! Ohhh, AWESOME! I'd get some ketchup and put it on someone else's hot dog -- sorry that's still too gross to do to my own poor hot dogs -- to see THAT! :)