50 x 50 Hanger


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 2, 2021
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My plane is currently in an AVFlight shared hanger. The new box hanger is finally available. Turns out to be quite a bit more costly than I thought it would be. Wondering if you can comfortably fit two small planes in a 50 x 50 box hanger. I have a 64 PA28-180.

Thanks for any insight.

Yes. I was able to cramp my Nanchang and lance into my 50x50 that has a small shop and a lot of crap in it. that was extremely tight, would not recommend, but two small planes can work. One high wing, one low wing makes it easier. Otherwise one will have to go in nose first and the other tail first. But it really depends on the planes. I fit 3 in it once during a hurricane, a skycatcher, Mooney C model, and Cessna 140. Very tight, but all small and the tail wheel on the 140 made it possible.
Absolutely. That’s ample size for two small airplanes.
Depends on the planes but I've had three planes (a bit crowded) in a 40X40 ...
Easily. A couple of our neighbors fit three planes into 60x60 hangars. One also has a boat and a pickup truck in his.
My hangar is 50x40 (with a notch cut out of one side where my shop is). It was designed to hold the Navion, a four post car lift, and a 24' boat on a trailer. The boat I sold, so I measured it out when my wife was talking about buying a Maxair. We could fit the maxair tailed into the one corner and the Navion only had to be slightly turned tail in to the other side to fit.
How big is the door. If it's only like 38ft it will make it less fun. But either way, nice size for 2!
Actually, I was wrong about one of our neighbors. He has four planes in a 60x60. A PT-26, a Titan T-51, an Ercoupe and a Pietenpol. They fit like a jigsaw puzzle. And there’s still room for a bar and an office.
Actually, I was wrong about one of our neighbors. He has four planes in a 60x60. A PT-26, a Titan T-51, an Ercoupe and a Pietenpol. They fit like a jigsaw puzzle. And there’s still room for a bar and an office.
60x60 is 1.44 x bigger than 50x50
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Thanks for the input.

I just signed the lease so I guess I am commited. When I get back to KS I will start looking for a high wing to share the space. Or, I could suggest to the wife that we buy a Piper Cub and I get my tailwheel?!? Probably not a good idea, at lunch today I got the "that's another $4k for the airplane".

The lease reads only store airworthy aircraft and required ground handling equipment. Do all leases read this way and are just ignored or are reginal airports just more uptight?

Right. Lease agreements seem to be challenges on how much non aviation stuff can be packed in a box!

Neighbor to my right has a boat so big I can't see how he got it in there. Nice cabin class boat.

Neighbor to my left has an enclosed trailer so big he needed to modify the door and let air out of tires. Holds his helicopter or a bunch of Harleys which I think relates to Sturgis.

Both have a plane, one has a car the other has collectible tractors. Lots of variety to say the least. Thankfully both are great hangar neighbors.
Neighbor to my left has an enclosed trailer so big he needed to modify the door and let air out of tires. Holds his helicopter or a bunch of Harleys which I think relates to Sturgis.
Every rally I’ve been to was as almost as much a trailer rally as a motorcycle event.
Every rally I’ve been to was as almost as much a trailer rally as a motorcycle event.

Reminds me of a local guy here years ago that had a folding wing airplane that showed up at all the fly-ins. He never flew it in as a search behind the hangars would always find his pickup and the trailer parked where it wouldn't be noticed as his plane was proudly displayed on the flight line.

Didn't matter to me as I like planes and the more the better but it just seemed a bit disingenuous ... :dunno:
My plane is currently in an AVFlight shared hanger. The new box hanger is finally available. Turns out to be quite a bit more costly than I thought it would be. Wondering if you can comfortably fit two small planes in a 50 x 50 box hanger. I have a 64 PA28-180.

Thanks for any insight.

Very easy with a high wing being the 2nd plane.
get wheel dollies. they are pure magic and allow movement to utilize every square foot possible
I have hydraulic door and concrete slab envy!

I’ll vouch for that. The problem is, however, getting the plane on and off the dollys.

I use a single commercial dolly under the tailwheel that makes the plane very maneuverable from the paved ramp to the concrete hangar floor (and vice versa):
I recognize that. It's a Rubbermaid Brute trash can dolly. I've got several (with the cans on them) in my hangar.
I recognize that. It's a Rubbermaid Brute trash can dolly. I've got several (with the cans on them) in my hangar.

Yulp ... I use it under the tailwheel with a bungee to hold it in place. Good for up to 250 lbs.

Makes it easy to swing the tail around as needed when moving the plane into tight areas. It was used yesterday as I packed planes in the hangar to keep them out of the tropical storm ...