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  1. PBristolJr

    Flying Opportunity

    My hobbies include renting a 74-4 from the local FBO to fly around on the weekends with friends :rolleyes2:
  2. PBristolJr

    Safety pilot

    Sorry I forgot to write that I use this example for the logbook portion mainly. A lot of people don't know that the safety pilot can't log PIC XC even if he's logging pic for the pilots hood time.
  3. PBristolJr

    Safety pilot
  4. PBristolJr

    Recommendations for a biplane?

    And the next most important question would be your price range.
  5. PBristolJr

    Recommendations for a biplane?

    What's your mission?
  6. PBristolJr

    Where did the oil go?

    Pilot was lazy and didn't check his oil for a long time? Engine consumed a few quarts.
  7. PBristolJr

    Converting to tri-gear

    I just threw up in my mouth a bit. It would be WAY more cost effective to purchase a tricycle gear plane from the get-go.
  8. PBristolJr

    Air National Guard

    If you want to fly a certain air frame then the ANG is the way to go. You must have a college degree, and take the AFOQT and TBAS tests to create a packet that you would use to apply to different units. This forum has everything you need to know:
  9. PBristolJr

    IFR Flight plan

    Obviously you would want a route that is pretty direct to your destination. Think about what you will do once you are rated.. Using fltpln and taking a suggested route isn't a bad idea, then modify it any way you see fit. Use all available resources, pilot.
  10. PBristolJr

    iPhone 5: what can close all apps at once?

    Unless you use the phone for navigation turn it on "airplane mode" otherwise it's searching for reception constantly and eating the battery up fast.
  11. PBristolJr

    I am SO drooling

    Hate to say it but 980 hours is above average for a Lancair. Good looking plane, not sure why there isn't a stick in the right seat. On flightaware he files for 200kts which seems correct to me.
  12. PBristolJr

    first instrument/experimental flight

    Now THAT thing looks experimental. Neat plane though.
  13. PBristolJr

    Holding altitude, heading and airspeed

    And just as in instrument training..always be correcting.
  14. PBristolJr

    bOOsted...Fast Car

    Unfortunately that's the norm now for high school "Honda kids." Cut the springs or buy eBay coilovers, purchase replica wheels with crappy tires that are way too narrow for the wheel, stretch the tires onto the wheels, lower the car as much as possible creating as much camber as you can, and put...
  15. PBristolJr

    bOOsted...Fast Car

    What 90's Mitsu doesn't leak? :wink2: It sounds like a fun car, and there's nothing more fun than a turbo AWD car in a little snow.
  16. PBristolJr

    bOOsted...Fast Car

    That was going to be my third guess! Not many 3KGT's around here in good shape anymore, especially the VR-4's.
  17. PBristolJr

    bOOsted...Fast Car

    Old Z or RX7?
  18. PBristolJr

    bOOsted...Fast Car

    Usually around 40lbs depending on the turbo and mods to make 1000 hp on a single turbo 2JZ. Jessica Barton, the green bikini in the video, has had a couple Supra's, her last one was just under 1,200 horsepower at the wheels was stolen and chopped last year. The car had been mid 8's in the...
  19. PBristolJr

    Renting away from home?

    As long as you're rated in category/class you would be acting as pic during the "checkout." The CFI is only there for insurance to make sure you're competent. At least that's how mine went.
  20. PBristolJr

    Private Pilot Progress Thread No. 66736

    Sounds like fun, good looking 150 too!