Air National Guard


Line Up and Wait
Mar 2, 2012
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After talking to a family friend (retired USAF) about joining the Air Force, he seems to think the best way is to go through the ANG. He seems like he is going to be able to get me an interview with someone in the Langley fighter wing. Does anyone have a source where I can find everything that I need to know about the ANG? From the research that I have done, it seems that part of the interview process involves the board testing how passionate you are about the job. Therefore, I want to know my stuff when I go in there. Has anybody here ever interviewed with the ANG before? Any help would be appreciated.
The ANG is not a path to the regular Air Force. If you tell them your aim is the regular Air Force in that interview process, they aren't likely to give you one of their few pilot training slots. If you get one of those slots and then try to transfer out of the unit to the regular Air Force, they will be very unhappy with your lack of loyalty, and will probably say so on your departing Officer Performance Report, and that won't do your USAF career any good.

If you want to be an Air Guardsman, great, but if you want regular Air Force, find another path to that.
If you want to fly a certain air frame then the ANG is the way to go. You must have a college degree, and take the AFOQT and TBAS tests to create a packet that you would use to apply to different units. This forum has everything you need to know:
I think ANG is a good choice. Apply for a specific airframe would be nice. Awful competitive though. Read on some of those threads you're applying for 1 slot against maybe 100 other applicants. Says they give preference to internal people and prior military as well. Good luck.
The ANG is the place to go if you want to log hours.

However its the military so you are going to play the military game and are not going to be logging 100hrs a month like you would in the civilian side, ESPECIALLY in a fighter wing.

It's VERY competitive, having a interview doesn't make you special, doesn't mean you're getting in, read up on it, MANY hoops to jump through, even if you already have significant flight experience.

Remember our foreign policy in this country, IF you get in, you WILL be sent over seas to blow up goat farmers and the like, be sure you're down with the mission and that mission is to kill other people.

Honestly I couldn't handle killing folks in these "wars" when anyone with a ounce of intelligence could see these people have little to no ability to hurt Americans on American soil, nor do they really give a F' about us one way or another, until they get their house/goat/family blown up (collateral damage)

I'd recommend watching Restrepo on netflix if you really want to go over there.

Having dealt with death and the human condition in EMS, it's not like the movies. IF you get in your training will be paid for by tax dollars, special interests and blood, be sure you have your eyes wide open.
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