Safety pilot


Line Up and Wait
Aug 29, 2012
Sugar Land Texas
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One who misses Daytona!
I'm working on the IR. my question is, what benefit is it to be a safety pilot for the safety pilot. Do they get to log the hours?
Cue EdFred's PIC diagram.
Yep. You get the log the hours as PIC if you're a safety pilot. But you have to meet the requirements (PPL or better in category and class, type if applicable) and current medical.
I'm working on the IR. my question is, what benefit is it to be a safety pilot for the safety pilot. Do they get to log the hours?
In addition to logging "free" flight time (assuming the pilot is willing to let you act as PIC) you can learn a lot by watching another pilot fly simulated IMC whether they're good at it or making lots of mistakes.
Yep. You get the log the hours as PIC if you're a safety pilot. But you have to meet the requirements (PPL or better in category and class, type if applicable) and current medical.
Close. If you qualify to be the safety pilot (see 14 CFR 91.109 and 61.23) and are acting as such, you can always log it as SIC time. In addition, if you are also acting as PIC (which means you must be fully PIC-qualified and current and your status must be agreed with the hooded pilot), you can log it as PIC time instead of SIC time.
Yep. You get the log the hours as PIC if you're a safety pilot. But you have to meet the requirements (PPL or better in category and class, type if applicable) and current medical.

And have all necessary endorsements to act as PIC for the airplane being flown. (unless grandfathered in from the days of yore)
Damn, BJ has left the building.
That link mentions nothing of approriate endorsements for the acting PIC.

Sorry I forgot to write that I use this example for the logbook portion mainly. A lot of people don't know that the safety pilot can't log PIC XC even if he's logging pic for the pilots hood time.