From their 2024 recap:
"These milestones reflect the growth of DarkAero from a small team solely focused on DarkAero 1 development into a larger, more diversified aerospace company. While the DarkAero 1 remains a central focus, the engineering, manufacturing, and testing capabilities developed during its creation have positioned DarkAero to take on a broader range of projects. This growth has enabled sustainable development of the DarkAero 1 while building a foundation for long-term success. Balancing work on the DarkAero 1 with high-value projects for other aerospace organizations has ensured that the vision for DarkAero remains uncompromised."
Allow me to offer a blunt translation: "We found better things to spend our time and money on than building an experimental airplane which will probably make us no money. By doing these other side quests we're able to generate some money to work on our long term hobby building Dark Aero 1."
I don't blame them though. You need money to keep the lights on. And if you're not going to get it through venture funding (and what venture funding is piling into GA?), that means you gotta do it the old fashioned way through regular work. And there's far worse hobbies out there than building a cool plane from the ground up and publishing your work on YT. But I suspect that long term it means that this plane will be constructed very, very slowly and when it is completed it is unlikely to become a production airframe. But I've been wrong plenty of times before and would love to be proven wrong on a sleek, fast 200k$ plane.