Toronto - Delta Airlines CRJ-900 upside down, Flight 4819 from Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport (MSP) to Toronto


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 29, 2012
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They just flipped over going to Canada.
Do tell me the CA and FO get remedial training?
What is up with all these accidents? Can we fly safely? WTH.
What is up with all these accidents? Can we fly safely? WTH.
It does seem like there has been an uptick in accidents, although I'm not sure if the statistics will reflect that over time. Of course, no idea of the factors involved in the particular accident (may very well be mechanical or just plain bad luck), but I suspect someone out there is sharpening a pencil to create a thesis that looks at the accident rate and how well it correlates with the gold-rush to get would-be airline pilots through puppy-mill training as fast as humanly possible. I recall some folks voicing concerns that people were getting into regionals and major airlines with relatively low experience and whether this might impact safety. Possibly we'll find out there hasn't been a safety issue stemming from that experience gap. But boy this run of accidents recently has the hair standing up on the back of my neck.
I read the POA title and thought it was flying inverted for a while…
Yeah, but how do you roll a plane? These little things sticking out would seem to prevent it. Gear, wings, tail fins....


Skateboard meets pebble; endo?
That egress, with a fire, would have been another body count tragedy. better lucky than good (wing tanks vis body tanks).

Do tell me the CA and FO get remedial training?
oh fo sho. 121 OJT baby. Couple virtual bounces in that full motion DCS and they'll be back to the high speed slaloms no time. The race to mainline [money, job's the same] will not be deterred by a few pax being traumatized. Besides, this makes for great differentiation in the TMAAT automaton answers during in the widget interview. Don't forget that red tie, worked for Gryder! /s

What is up with all these accidents? Can we fly safely? WTH.
The apologetics merchants will be by soon to remind you that sHatisHtiKaLly, hurling yourself across the atmosphere at 600mph is the safest form of travel, so I'll bypass the debate.

All I'll say is that, regarding the essence of your visceral fear, which is the guarantee of not dying when incurring a discretionary choice like boarding an airliner, that's just the myth of "single standard of safety" gettting folks drunk up on hopium. The industry is merely reverting to the mean, especially given the hiring of the past 4 years. We talked about it circa *checks notes*.... around 4 years ago. :biggrin: But people have life-crippling short attention spans, anything that doesn't materialize through a window of 4 weeks isn't "real". FAFO is my standard answer to that cognitive bias.
Sister lives 2 mi from yyz
Has been sending photos of the horrible weather: 6ft snow banks… last 2 days
CYYZ 171900Z 27028G35KT 6SM R24L/3000VP6000FT/U BLSN BKN034 M09/M14 A2993 RMK CU6 SLP149

CYYZ 171932Z 27020G32KT 6SM R24L/2600VP6000FT/D BLSN BKN030 M08/M13 A2994 RMK CU5 ACCIDENT REPORT SLP151
Do tell me the CA and FO get remedial training?
oh fo sho. 121 OJT baby. Couple virtual bounces in that full motion DCS and they'll be back to the high speed slaloms no time. The race to mainline [money, job's the same] will not be

The pilots who landed beside the runway in snow in Maine a few years ago got fired for less damage than this. And I know of a firing for a taxi excursion.

That said, it's surprising how much you can suck in a 121 training program and still pass.
Have close family that flew that route too many times to count. Would like to understand the mechanism that would allow you to land inverted (go ahead and say it Maverick) with zero fatalities.
Upside down, wings ripped off, but nose gear still attached and unbent. How?
Upside down, wings ripped off, but nose gear still attached and unbent. How?

I don't understand it in this case, but I've been out to pick up cars that have somehow rolled onto the roof in some kind of seeming immaculate roll situation - not a wrinkle anywhere, just laying on the roof (and in Iowa, it was also on top of a snow bank)
CYYZ 171900Z 27028G35KT 6SM R24L/3000VP6000FT/U BLSN BKN034 M09/M14 A2993 RMK CU6 SLP149

CYYZ 171932Z 27020G32KT 6SM R24L/2600VP6000FT/D BLSN BKN030 M08/M13 A2994 RMK CU5 ACCIDENT REPORT SLP151
35 knots appears to be right at the crosswind limit for that jet...on a bare/dry runway.
I didn't see anything stated as to what runway they landed on- but the windsocks are standing straight out perpendicular to the runway.

Methinks there's a fair chance that landing should never have been attempted on that runway, in those conditions.

Haven't seen a video of the landing itself, hard to believe there wouldn't have been a camera to catch it.