N/A Need Aluminum Ingots


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Dec 7, 2018
The Lone Star State
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I have a client in Asia who asked me if I can help him find a supplier for 99.7 pure Aluminum Ingots. They are looking for a large quantity on a long term contract but can start out with a smaller amount if the supplier needs time to ramp up production for the contract. If you are in that industry and can help find a supplier, send me a message please. They’ll compensate me generously if I can find them a partner and I’m known to share ;-)
What are they doing with it?
Asia is a big place. What country?
If I was a private car manufacturer in America and I needed 99.7 pure aluminum bars, I would probably source them from China.
The Chinese will sell you any material you might need, but the onus is on the buyer to test the incoming material to be sure it meets specifications. I know of products/programs that have been burned by counterfeit Chinese sourced materials.

In my job we used specialty metals in the production of military components, and we had to source from DFARS approved countries. China is not on that list.
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I recommend Tomahawks. Skyhawks are too expensive, and Mooney's have too much steel in them. Maybe Musketeers.
The Chinese will sell you any material you might need, but the onus is on the buyer to test the incoming material to be sure it meets specifications. I know of products/programs that have been burned by counterfeit Chinese sourced materials.

In my job we used specialty metals in the production of military components, and we had to source from DFARS approved countries. China is not on that list.

:yeahthat: They don't want Chinese aluminium because their experience with local suppliers wasn't very positive.
I hear the Monongahela Metal Foundry's polished ingots are suitable for just about any occasion.
Not sure what quantity you're looking for, but there are plenty of quality suppliers out there. Look to countries with an excess of electricity/energy relative to local demand e.g. Iceland, Norway, Gulf Oil States. (UAE etc). Raw aluminum production requires a ton of electricity to get aluminum from alumina. Been out of it for a while, so not up with all the post-merger stuff, but ingot in larger quantities should be able to purchase directly from a smelter. Alcoa, Norsk Hydro, Hindalco, Dubai Aluminum, Rusal, Rio Tinto (Alcan) are the biggest non-China companies out there. I was more on the rolled side, so not sure what the supply chain looks like below the producers, specifically at what quantity they shift from direct sales to distributors, and that likely varies a lot by country.

So a pretty non-helpful response.
Not sure what quantity you're looking for, but there are plenty of quality suppliers out there. Look to countries with an excess of electricity/energy relative to local demand e.g. Iceland, Norway, Gulf Oil States. (UAE etc). Raw aluminum production requires a ton of electricity to get aluminum from alumina. Been out of it for a while, so not up with all the post-merger stuff, but ingot in larger quantities should be able to purchase directly from a smelter. Alcoa, Norsk Hydro, Hindalco, Dubai Aluminum, Rusal, Rio Tinto (Alcan) are the biggest non-China companies out there. I was more on the rolled side, so not sure what the supply chain looks like below the producers, specifically at what quantity they shift from direct sales to distributors, and that likely varies a lot by country.

So a pretty non-helpful response.

The most helpful thus far ;-) I'm not in that field myself. I consult companies on automation, AI integration and efficiency. It's just that their Aluminium supplier (I think from India) can't meet their demand anymore and now they're in panic mode and asked if I can help look. For the right amount of $$$, I am more than happy to help and become an expert in the field lol.
From India, likely Hindalco. If it were me, I'd be talking to Norsk Hydro, Alcoa, Rio Tinto first. The Arab suppliers second if pricing is an issue, think you might get a better deal there. Aluminum ingot is an interesting product if you think of it as a way to move stranded energy from the place that has too much/cheap to a place with not enough/expensive.
I just read there is an export tax on Al to China (5%). Might need to look into that & any other fees, ensure buyer doesn’t stick seller with.
Why not Australia? energy costs too high?
Australia has 4 smelters and is the largest producer of Bauxite, the raw material aluminum is produced from. They are all owned by companies I had listed previously, primarily Rio Tinto as well as Alcoa and Hydro (used to be called Norsk Hydro, now just hydro). While it might make sense to source from one of these smelters, the sales organizations are typically not tied to the production facilities.