I've heard much the same kind of story regarding folks that think their kids need to be in a sterile environment vs. the ones that allow the kids to plop around and play in mud puddles.I’m from the generation that when I learned about germs in elementary school and told my dad he shouldn’t take a swig out of the milk jug in the fridge cause it spreads germs, I got a full lecture of how when he was a kid and went to a one room country school house (and he actually did) they had a bucket hanging on a hand pumped hydrant with a ladle in it for when they got thirsty (again true). There were a few kids who lived on the boarder of the township so would ride their horses there instead of walking 2 miles, and everybody would use the same dipper out of the same bucket and half the time you’d have to shoo away the flies that were just on the horse excrement. But until he died I can never remember him ever being “sick”, and I mean never once ever seeing him sick, not a cold, not a flu, nothing, EVER in my life. But he did tell stories about having scarlet fever, having phnemonia a few times that almost killed him when he was a kid and getting really sick once with what sounded to be cholera. But he was extremely of the belief that it was important to be exposed to viruses, bacteria, pathogens in general for your immune system to function properly. And I agree.
I was bitten by a bat when I was about ten years old. Didn't tell my parents. Like to think I've got some immunity left over.
Ron "Bleh Bleh Bleh" Wanttaja