Why are people still wearing masks?

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Well today I'm using a wire wheel on a grinder to remove a bunch of bondo, rust, and paint from an old car body right now and I really don't want to be breathing all that. I'll go to the full respirator when I'm ready for paint.

But for me it's really really rare that I see anyone wearing one now. Of course I live in an area where compliance was spotty when they were still required so... there's also that. Personally I don't care what other people do as long as nobody is trying to force anything on me.
I guess I want to ask - why are so many people (of a certain demographic) so against OTHERS wearing masks ? I mean they choose to wear masks to prevent the spread of their own germs and perhaps catching others. Its a mitigator. .. but why are people all bent out of shape because OTHERS are wearing them. No one is now forcing you to wear them.
I guess I want to answer that I don't care if people wear masks. But - I don't want taxpayers saddled with more debt, so go buy and wear a mask and don't put the burden on all of us who aren't interested, and never were interested in wearing them. My argument against mask wearing is exclusively economic. I don't know what the cost to taxpayers were for masks, but it was - massive. For something that can best be described as being 'inconclusive' to attenuate the expansion of the virus.
So now on the (thankfully very rare) occasions when someone accosts me in public about wearing a mask, I tell them I have cancer and that if they get me sick they might be killing me. It's not true today, but it was true not long ago, and it could be true for anyone out there, so maybe just don't be a jerk about it and leave people alone.

I would not give that answer. None of their business.
The answer to anyone who accosts you about wearing a mask should be 'worry about your own f***** problems you *******e.'
It also disregards the known effectiveness of thorough hand-washing.

For disease agents spread by direct contact or fecal-oral transmission. Does very little to nothing for diseases spread via droplet transmission.
I guess I want to ask - why are so many people (of a certain demographic) so against OTHERS wearing masks ?
For me it is not only a reminder that we were ALL forced to wear masks even as it became obvious they didn't work but it is ALSO a reminder that the same fear that caused
mask mandates also closed businesses, forced people out of their jobs, closed schools causing a tragic loss of education for the young minds at a very important phase of their learning ability and caused the government to spend trillions of dollars causing contributing to the inflation we have all suffered under since this nonsense started.
I will never forget one summer day in 2020, I had to drive to a small “city” of about 30,000 population and go to Walmart to keep the misses happy. They were counting people at the door, everybody masked, socially distancing 6 ft, isles one way only, it was like a distopian society. Had to stop at a few more places in town and it was the same. Driving home we stopped by my counties fair 30 miles away almost exactly. The Ferris wheel and other rides were running, carnival in full swing the band was setting up for the concert, kids were running around playing, adults were catching up on gossip with people they hadn’t seen in a while, it was completely life as normal like nothing was happening. That day i felt like I was in an episode of the twilight zone.
I will never forget one summer day in 2020, I had to drive to a small “city” of about 30,000 population and go to Walmart to keep the misses happy. They were counting people at the door, everybody masked, socially distancing 6 ft, isles one way only, it was like a distopian society. Had to stop at a few more places in town and it was the same. Driving home we stopped by my counties fair 30 miles away almost exactly. The Ferris wheel and other rides were running, carnival in full swing the band was setting up for the concert, kids were running around playing, adults were catching up on gossip with people they hadn’t seen in a while, it was completely life as normal like nothing was happening. That day i felt like I was in an episode of the twilight zone.
I had kind of the reverse experience in(I think) late summer of 2021. I hadn't worn a mask or worried about anything COVID in months- nobody around me was doing any of it anymore. I found a side by side I wanted to buy in Springfield, IL and headed up with the trailer. Nobody at the dealer was doing masks either, I did the paperwork and got the machine loaded. By then it was dinnertime and I was hungry so I went into town for some food- since I had a trailer I didn't want to go through a drive-thru so I had to find somewhere to park and walk in.

First place I tried wouldn't serve me because despite being open apparently it was just for door-dashers... that or drive through were the options. Everyone was masked. I tried a second place and managed to get a sandwich.... also seeing everyone masked I politely asked someone about it and it turns out the county had an ordinance requiring it still. I had absolutely no idea and hadn't even thrown one in the truck because as I said, nobody around me had been doing it for a long time and I stopped thinking about it.

What I've always found both weird, frustrating, and amusing about those times is how many of us were living in completely different realities throughout the whole thing.
I had really been hoping that the effect of people having to use masks early on during the pandemic would be that people would get used to them, and have the common decency to wear them if they had a cough, but it seems that lesson wasn't learned.

I wear a mask on public transport, medical institutions, or crowded public spaces. I find it causes me negligible inconvenience, and it's just habit by now so I don't really think about it. I never got covid, and I don't think I've caught a cold at all over the last four years, although I suspect that may be more to do with me mainly working from home rather than the mask. A couple of my family members got pretty severely affected by covid with symptoms that lasted for months, so if there are easy marginal impact steps I can take to avoid getting it, why not?
For me it is not only a reminder that we were ALL forced to wear masks even as it became obvious they didn't work but it is ALSO a reminder that the same fear that caused
mask mandates also closed businesses, forced people out of their jobs, closed schools causing a tragic loss of education for the young minds at a very important phase of their learning ability and caused the government to spend trillions of dollars causing contributing to the inflation we have all suffered under since this nonsense started.

So, disregarding the large amount of nonsense in your post, you're saying that masks "trigger" you? Perhaps a "safe space" is needed.
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