Quiet Birdmen

You're not supposed to ask about it, they're not supposed to tell about it, you can't invite yourself to it, you must be asked, and you must have a penis. Chapters vary on usefulness and impressiveness or not so much.
I know several of them at Camarillo Airport. Great bunch of guys.
many moons ago I used to attend monthly meetings at Clay Lacy Aviation in Van Nuys and those guys were very nice guys. I became a memebr
It seemed more like a frat party and I wasn’t into that crap in college, definitely not now. I’m happy to do my own thing and not have to fit into any group. But, that’s just me.
I was warned by one of the really old guys that if they invited me to join, I would be required to complete an initiation. He was very worried about this. He said back in his day it was nothing much, but now the youngsters are getting pretty hardcore about it. He said they made the last guy wear an apron all day. He said if they'd pulled that on him, he would have walked away and not joined! I laughed, thinking I was expecting much worse than that!
They didn't make me prove this, but I did notice one guy standing very close at the urinal...

A young group! The group I haven't been to was more like 75-90!
90 is probably the high end at the MS chapter. A famous racecar driver is one of the members and he’s 86
My father was a member of QB and it appeared to me parking was more of a challenge for him after a QB meeting.
I recall they used to seat them based on which ear worked better.
I'm not sure I would fit in for several reasons
-non drinker
-no 500 hrs yet

But the biggest reason is that I had problems with another organization back in the day. I used to be a cub scout but they kicked me out for eating a brownie...
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I'm not sure I would fit in for several reasons
-non dirinker
-no 500 yet

But the biggest reason is that I had problems with another organization back in the day. I used to be a cub scout but they kicked me out for eating a brownie...
Oldie but a goodie, lol.
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Are there any hangars in the Lower Alabama area (Fort Rucker area to be specific)?
Are women allowed to join?

I got invited to join the QB a while back. I respectfully declined.

The owner of the FBO I worked for when I was a teenager would have QB parties. It was normally a bunch of old creepy guys looking at discount strippers.
My "sponsor" took me to one meeting.......but then he died. I used to give him flight reviews in his Twin Seabee.
A friend located at KTDW mentioned this group whilst roasting steaks on his backyard grill one evening not long ago. Sort of a passing comment, as I was never aware of the group. I looked into it via the group’s generic email. Inquired about membership possibilities at or around KGYI, where I am located. Dropped my friend’s name. Received a shouting non-response. I suppose ‘I’m not worthy’….
I got asked if I was interested in being a “QB” when I was at the formation clinic last weekend. It took a few seconds until I realized what he was talking about. He never said the full name out loud. Kinda like if I didn’t know about them then I didn’t need to. We were interrupted and I did not bring it back up.
They’ve tried to recruit me several times but I refuse to drink Mai Tais. Scotch or nothing at all.
I did the fraternity thing in college, made some good friends along the way. I probably would have done better in school, maybe not changed majors and career paths, but that's life.

Now that I'm older, I don't really like people all that much. Spend most of my time either with the wife or solo, and am just fine with that.
You're not supposed to ask about it, they're not supposed to tell about it, you can't invite yourself to it, you must be asked, and you must have a penis. Chapters vary on usefulness and impressiveness or not so much.
Just tell them you have one.. when the bikini clad girl jumps out of a cake pretend you're excited