the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

Got my daily email for flying gig postings and saw this gem

Coming back to a kinda common thread lately, I don't ever want to apply for a job that could be more effectively be done by a cat.

Teenage Ninja Neutered Turtles.!!
Not sure on the Neutered part, but Donatello was always my favorite because he was smart/level-headed. Leonardo was kill-joy. Michelangelo was a class clown. Rafael was a hot head.
Not sure on the Neutered part,
A friends young brother had a slight speech impediment as a child and when he said mutant it sounded a little like neuter to us, which always made us laugh, and annoyed his mom to the point she would remind us not to make fun.
now that's a gem of a youtube video title...

now that's a gem of a youtube video title...

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Not sure what’s more disturbing. That someone made a You Tube with that title and content, or someone’s (uh hem) viewing pattern that lead to this popping up to him.
today in the WSJ... <-- link to article, might be paywalled but you can get around it if you google the article name.


Of course this is the centerfold picture, and of course it'd be the Cessna 195 pilot capable of drinking so much beer.
I'm not thinking that's what he's drinking. I'm betting that's what he's using to get the neighborhood kids to polish the plane.
Been working on my '97 Chevy pickup today.

Brake calipers were sticking, so I took them apart, cleaned them, and greased the sliding pins. Leaking tire fixed with a new valvestem. Broken inside driver's door handle replaced along with sagging door hinge pins. Washed & waxed what's left of the paint & polished the yellow off the headlight lenses.

She's at that point where if the engine or transmission go, that's the end, but I kind of enjoy spending a little time and $50 to keep her going. I'll be 42 this year, and I've owned this truck for 21 years. Crazy to think $4400 bought a six year old 3/4 ton 4x4 with 90k miles in 2003. Best money I ever spent.

Been working on my '97 Chevy pickup today.

Brake calipers were sticking, so I took them apart, cleaned them, and greased the sliding pins. Leaking tire fixed with a new valvestem. Broken inside driver's door handle replaced along with sagging door hinge pins. Washed & waxed what's left of the paint & polished the yellow off the headlight lenses.

She's at that point where if the engine or transmission go, that's the end, but I kind of enjoy spending a little time and $50 to keep her going. I'll be 42 this year, and I've owned this truck for 21 years. Crazy to think $4400 bought a six year old 3/4 ton 4x4 with 90k miles in 2003. Best money I ever spent.

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Hey I flew right by them today too!
So I'm down 20 pounds since April, down to 198. At first I was disappointed that I didn't drop a size in pants. But then I noticed the other day that when getting dressed in the morning I no longer have to decide if the belt goes high or low.
Today I added Georgia and South Carolina to my states landed in list. Will update my signature when I have time
Nah. That’d be time for an LS swap.
5.7L Vortec and 4L80E. 172,000 miles. I suspect they'll outlive the (very rusty) body & chassis, but the engine has developed a low rpm miss that I haven't spent any time diagnosing yet.
Coyote swap and watch GM fanboys' heads explode, lol.
Years back I worked at a Ford dealership. One of the other mechanics had a '63 Ford F-100 that had a Chevy 396 in it. Yeah, we kidded him about knowing which engine is the best... :lol:
Years back I worked at a Ford dealership. One of the other mechanics had a '63 Ford F-100 that had a Chevy 396 in it. Yeah, we kidded him about knowing which engine is the best... :lol:
Well, at least in the case of the F-100, the 396 probably doubled the amount of horsepower that was in that truck to begin with. Although I would have to go ahead and one-up it to the Ford 427/428 motors if we're just throwing silly power at a truck that was designed around an I-6 or small V8 the the time.
hey @midlifeflyer .....I was watching a court video and this woman who obviously looks thrilled to be there was yapping into that thing she's holding (I assume she isn't huffing amyl nitrite in court). is that a new way of stenograhpying? if so, why not just record what the judge is saying into his microphone and maybe she can just yap responses or whatever is left? also, how incredibly annoying must that be for the judge to hear someone mumbling literally every time you speak? weird. I do hope it's not a pilot relief tube.........ok actually I do.

hey @midlifeflyer .....I was watching a court video and this woman who obviously looks thrilled to be there was yapping into that thing she's holding (I assume she isn't huffing amyl nitrite in court). is that a new way of stenograhpying? if so, why not just record what the judge is saying into his microphone and maybe she can just yap responses or whatever is left? also, how incredibly annoying must that be for the judge to hear someone mumbling literally every time you speak? weird. I do hope it's not a pilot relief tube.........ok actually I do.

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It’s a different form of shorthand than the written form. I haven’t heard it but I have seen it done. Many courts have changed to just recording multitrack audio and transcribing from that when needed. Lots of different strokes available for this mission.
hey @midlifeflyer .....I was watching a court video and this woman who obviously looks thrilled to be there was yapping into that thing she's holding (I assume she isn't huffing amyl nitrite in court). is that a new way of stenograhpying? if so, why not just record what the judge is saying into his microphone and maybe she can just yap responses or whatever is left? also, how incredibly annoying must that be for the judge to hear someone mumbling literally every time you speak? weird. I do hope it's not a pilot relief tube.........ok actually I do.

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it’s a “stenomask.” I’ve never seen one in use, but the mask silences the stenographer so the judge doesn’t even hear mumbling. As @iamtheari said, it’s one of a number of methods used these days to record court proceedings, depositions, etc.
it’s a “stenomask.” I’ve never seen one in use, but the mask silences the stenographer so the judge doesn’t even hear mumbling. As @iamtheari said, it’s one of a number of methods used these days to record court proceedings, depositions, etc.
I participated as a juror in a lab (mock) trial about half an lifetime ago. The experiment theme was accessibility. Some fellow jurors were deaf and relied on a realtime court reporter for testimony and deliberations. One attorney was paraplegic and used a modified Segway to get around the courtroom. And the court reporters demonstrated different means of shorthand, including the stenomask (whose name I hadn’t remembered, so thank you for that!) There were other things going on, but those were the elements that always stood out in my memory.

I think we got to listen to the stenomask audio a little bit, to get an idea of what the guy was saying into it, but I don’t remember enough to share with the group. Mostly I am here to say that I hadn’t seen one in almost 20 years and of course the next one I saw was of course courtesy of @eman1200.
Guys! Guys!

Today I found my old leather briefcase which I thought had been accidentally thrown away by my wife.

Then, as I was finishing up finally(!) cleaning up my workshop, I heard an unusual rumble overhead and it was...

A Ford Trimotor! It came over twice while I was working, at like 1000ft AGL. I've never actually seen one flying before, so it was an incredible treat!

Today...was a good day.
Today I found my old leather briefcase which I thought had been accidentally thrown away by my wife.
Will you be apologizing to your wife? Or will you be keeping this quiet?
You know you're in a bad neighborhood when you fall asleep on the FBO couch and wake up next morning to see your plane is on blocks.

(Flat tire fix)