AirVenture craziness - **** show


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 27, 2013
A Rubber Room
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The link is a Dan Gryder video and I understand the the dislike of Dan on POA. Take a moment and listen to the FAA representative on the video discussing runway incursions and ATC deviations.

Now he is reading NOTAMS. This is the guy that told me not to waste my time reading the NOTAM in 2021 but to just call 30 miles out and announce I am a media flight so they will clear me straight in.
Apparently at that time it was more important to stay up late, drink, listen to his "band", and worry about the arrival in the morning. I went to the hotel and studied the NOTAM.
Now he is reading NOTAMS. This is the guy that told me not to waste my time reading the NOTAM in 2021 but to just call 30 miles out and announce I am a media flight so they will clear me straight in.
Apparently at that time it was more important to stay up late, drink, listen to his "band", and worry about the arrival in the morning. I went to the hotel and studied the NOTAM.
This isn’t a kill the messenger thread. I posted the link to illustrate the FAA representative observations.
This isn’t a kill the messenger thread. I posted the link to illustrate the FAA representative observations.
what is the timestamp that the conversation starts?
Well I don’t care for Dan but he is right, on the ATC procedures side, both SNF and OSH are a **** show. Every time I’ve flown into both events I witnessed ATC operational errors and PDs.

My brother and I just talked about this a couple days ago. He used to work with a “pink shirt” supervisor who worked at both OSH and SNF. My brother is a pilot and really into aviation so she asked if he wanted to work those events with her. He’s like no way he’d do ATC there. In his words “it’s not real ATC. All it is, is a glorified Unicom worker.” I agree. They’re not using any real .65 standards because of this so-called “waiver.” And then when you have all these pilots busting PDs left and right, no Brashers are issued. I wouldn’t want the liability in working that mess.

Now, I get it, you can’t have that many aircraft operating in an airport environment without bending the rules. As long as everyone realizes the inherent risk with that, just accept it and move on. It still amazes me that there aren’t several midairs every year. Just pure luck and attentive pilots / controllers making up for those with their head up their ***.
There's a member here who worked both Oshkosh and SNF towers during the shows back in the day. I'm hoping he'll pipe up (I'm not going to out him, but he was the one who got me up in the tower during the show years ago to see just how it worked).

I usually arrive well before the show starts, but I often hop rides. I'll do the Ripon approach if I have a pilot with me who has never done it so they can see it. Otherwise, I do the Warbird approach. Frankly, if you're reasonably proficient and you can FREAKING READ THE NOTAM it isn't that bad.

Of course, there was the time they called me out as a Tomahawk. I avoided making any cracks on the air about that one.
"Critics like Dan Gryder, ... said the organization has a long history of not adhering to standard Federal Aviation Administration rules, which are at the crux of the lawsuit."

I feel like there is someone else that has a long history of not adhering to standard FAA rules.
The Autogyro pilot didn't follow procedure for the ultralight pattern as prescribed during the morning ops-safety brief. It had nothing to do with the NOTAM or ATC deficiencies. Is OSH perfect, no, but as others have stated if you understand and follow the rules it's manageable risk. The best procedures and ATC in world won't save folks from stupid pilot tricks. Now whether a jury will see it that way, well.......
The Autogyro pilot didn't follow procedure for the ultralight pattern as prescribed during the morning ops-safety brief. It had nothing to do with the NOTAM or ATC deficiencies. Is OSH perfect, no, but as others have stated if you understand and follow the rules it's manageable risk. The best procedures and ATC in world won't save folks from stupid pilot tricks. Now whether a jury will see it that way, well.......
His story is that the pilot didn’t follow the procedure the two previous days and was not dealt with.
His story is that the pilot didn’t follow the procedure the two previous days and was not dealt with.
True statement and most likely why EAA will be writing a check at some point. I know some changes were made as a result of last year but other than changes to the pattern flow I'm not sure if they implemented more controls over non-adherence by pilots conducting show operations. If they didn't I'm guessing they will now.
I’ve stopped flying to the show because of how chaotic it has become. As long as the flow of incoming traffic isn’t interrupted everything goes smooth. Once it gets throttled or halted it turns to complete chaos. The arrival has gotten so long and so complicated it only makes things worse. I realize it’s nearly impossible to enforce the notam and punish the violators so it’s up to us to decide if it’s worth the risk. I personally enjoy the week more from camp Scholler and not having to worry about weather and getting in or out before or after the airshow.
Do the other people that don't like Mr. Gryder realize that everytime you watch one of his videos he's making money based on the number of views and you are contributing to it? I don't care about what he is talking about or how right ir wrong he may be. I don't watch his videos anymore. There are plenty of other youtubers out there that talk about the controllers and traffic patterns at Oshkosh. I can't see how his content would be any different to make it worth supporting him by viewing it.
Do the other people that don't like Mr. Gryder realize that everytime you watch one of his videos he's making money based on the number of views and you are contributing to it? I don't care about what he is talking about or how right ir wrong he may be. I don't watch his videos anymore. There are plenty of other youtubers out there that talk about the controllers and traffic patterns at Oshkosh. I can't see how his content would be any different to make it worth supporting him by viewing it.
I didn't click on it. I probably agree with a lot of it, but having it come from him makes it less likely it will be properly addressed, not more likely. He does not speak for me, even when I happen to agree.
Do the other people that don't like Mr. Gryder realize that everytime you watch one of his videos he's making money based on the number of views and you are contributing to it? I don't care about what he is talking about or how right ir wrong he may be. I don't watch his videos anymore. There are plenty of other youtubers out there that talk about the controllers and traffic patterns at Oshkosh. I can't see how his content would be any different to make it worth supporting him by viewing it.
I use an adblocker, so he makes no money off me. Youtube doesn't pay for views, it pays for ads.
I’ve only ever clicked on one DG video, so there’s that.