Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?

I recommend going early to get a good seat up by the fence, seems to be usually crowded. Also just by the bleachers isn't the best spot in my opinion...about 25 yards to the left would be better.
Can't find STOL contests on the schedule. Anyone know the timing for those?
I was there on the outside of the fence watching them last night when you posted. The ultra lights landed and the stol race was on at twilight. First time I watched one in person.
Made me anixious to get home into my plane.
Well damn. Because of the crappy cell coverage, I didn’t see this until it was too late.
I had terrible service up there too (T-mobile, name + shame... :incazzato:). Someone brought in a couple of portable cell towers over by the red barn, so signal was always good, but data rates were under 10kb/s. They must have a backhaul problem...wonder if they're literally trying to rebroadcast to some distant towers and saturating the link at the other end?
We arrived yesterday at 1300 in a flight of two. I flew in echelon left about 100m off wing from Endeavor to Ripon. Slipped into trail from there to Fisk, wound up hitting prop wash about 8 times and getting wings rocked 45 degrees a few times. After a while I figured out that offsetting high a bit would keep me out of the wash. Stayed tight until base to final turn for 36R. Lead missed tower instruction to land on red square at midfield and landed basically on the numbers. I floated along behind him at MCA to the mark while he taxied at 60mph.

It was as much fun as I have ever had flying.
My last day here. Please say hi if you see me. I’m the middle aged white guy in cargo shorts. :)

(@eman1200 will be along shortly to point out that I’m not so “middle” anymore. :) )

Seriously, if anyone wants to meet up, post it here and hopefully it will go through.
Rich’s presentation is so full that people were bringing chairs from other forums!!
You know, when your hobby is going to the middle of nowhere by yourself, or with maybe a couple friends, it's kind of hard to get a sense of whether or not anyone else is interested in doing the same kind of flying. What a blast to see so many other people think this stuff is cool! And what a great view from my side of the morning.

My last day here. Please say hi if you see me. I’m the middle aged white guy in cargo shorts. :)

(@eman1200 will be along shortly to point out that I’m not so “middle” anymore. :) )

Seriously, if anyone wants to meet up, post it here and hopefully it will go through.
Have you been to the beer coffin?
Watching the airshow and having a couple afternoon beers in row 506 in the N40 if anybody is real bored.
Oh oh oh… if your first time, you must say the Beer prayer… and tell him Tools says hi!
Watching the airshow and having a couple afternoon beers in row 506 in the N40 if anybody is real bored.
Swung by and missed you guys. You must have gone to the beer coffin which wasn’t there. What are you all doing tonight? Trying to decide if I’m coming back out after dinner.
Swung by and missed you guys. You must have gone to the beer coffin which wasn’t there. What are you all doing tonight? Trying to decide if I’m coming back out after dinner.
We had a very mediocre pizza at the N40 restaurant, and made a move to watch arrivals on 27, which have now ceased.
My biggest issue is the heat/humidity. I had a battery powered fan going in the tent all night, and that helped a little but waking up clammy and damp just isn't my jam.
I came up with my modified swamp cooler, ran it off the car battery. Frozen water bottles and a bit of dry ice from the local fire supply kept the tent camper cool enough to fall asleep. The breeze Monday and Tuesday nights helped a lot.
I had terrible service up there too (T-mobile, name + shame... :incazzato:). Someone brought in a couple of portable cell towers over by the red barn, so signal was always good, but data rates were under 10kb/s. They must have a backhaul problem...wonder if they're literally trying to rebroadcast to some distant towers and saturating the link at the other end?
Cell service sucked over most of the town. Ended up at the Panera’s on the north side to get anything done.