Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

I was a fan many years ago, but they lost me with the strike in the mid '90s and I never went back to it.

I'm only following the thread because it's interesting to see how incompetence keeps getting rewarded.
just think about the NS-5...
The kid's probably thinking "How else am I going to check to see if the put the wire mesh in, and why is she wearing my outfit and walking barefoot over those forms."

He might be, but in a short while he’s going to be thinking “Holy crap this burns please wash it off now!”
I solved that issue by getting a removable microSD card for my phone. Now when it gets full, I can just get a new one and I don't have get rid of either my banking app or my adorable cat pictures. :biggrin:
You're going to trigger the iPhone users . . .