Where's the BS flag when you need it?
You're clearly out of your element here, professor. Sorry, but your reference textbooks were written by folks with visions of Smokey and Bambi.
Ever been
stalked by a black bear?
I have -- it's not fun. And there are several others I know who have. Typically it happens in fall, when the leaves start dropping in late September (happens early in the mountains). You can move in any direction, and the bear will follow you.
Also, the old saw about a she-bear and her cubs is an old saw because its
true. More than one unfortunate has come betwixt with bad results.
I've also been up in the middle of the night with a bear just a few feet from my tent. The last time it happened he (guessing sex of the beast) decided to high tail it once he caught wind of our dog. Lad was stock still and pointing, and I was very glad I had a compact, readily available firearm.
Maybe you haven't heard of bears mauling through tents looking for chow? It happens.
As far as rabid racoons -- they typically move very slowly (which is one sign of disease). I had one come near our dog. I did not shoot as Lad was smart enough to steer wide. But I would be a pretty poor shot if I couldn't dispatch a racoon with a handgun -- don't worry, I can.
As far as snakes -- I did not shoot the last time I walked into a copperhead carpet -- I choose to hop onto a boulder and jump from rock to rock.
Anyway, you're evidencing the typical bias of educated snobs who presume an air of superiority over anyone who chooses to own and actually
carry a firearm is a "rambo wannabe."
Whatever -- but I'm glad to live in a Right to Carry state and will continue to exercise my Constitutional Right to keep and
Bear arms.