Hey, anyone got some old semis or busses I can park on my property?
There’s a dude who’s got well over twenty dead cars of various varieties nearby. Probably more than that.
I had heard about him through Nextdoor and people asking if the Sheriff was ever going to do anything.
I knew about the guy with thirty or so Chevy Astro vans he clearly bought at auction some long long time ago and had those all parked on his property in neat dead little rows. But I hadn’t found the random vehicle guy until lately.
And they’re really random. It’s a total junkyard except nobody is pulling parts and none of them are missing body panels.
Sheriff issued tickets of course and the county sent warnings that they can only have something like five, and neither one cared. But Astro van guy died, I think. Something about that on Nextdoor asking what would happen now... his kids auctioned them all off I suppose. Don’t know.
The fine is so low the other vehicle hoarder doesn’t seem to care. County said it would escalate over time unless he sold five a quarter or something? What do you bet there’s no clause in there that you can’t buy any more while selling? Hahahaha.
I’ll see if I can get a photo that shows it all.
Then there’s “Nissan Pathfinder Guy” a very strange choice for a redneck. He likes old Pathfinders so he has three or so. I suspect only one is running but he literally parks it nose to nose with one of the dead ones. I assume that makes parts transfer for weekend projects easier if he works outside. Hahaha. Jack one up, grab part, jack the other one up, replace part... and it is parked right there on Friday night when he gets home. One is parked further down the hill behind the house. Maybe he’s sucked all the useful parts off of that one already.
The other much cooler trend all of a sudden out here is multiple people have found running and NICE original Ford Broncos. Both the smaller 60s ones and the huge 80s ones. And these things are cherry. It’s like they started growing on trees out here. Out of the five houses around me, two have them now, and they’re all over the neighborhood. So weird.