Who donates blood?

How many times a year do you donate blood?

  • 1 - 2

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • 3 - 4

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • More than 4

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • Donate? Eww...needles - no way!

    Votes: 9 23.1%
  • I can't due because of an answer I would give on the screening questions

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters
BTW, it is interesting to read polls and note the bias. There are quite a number of people who don't give because they are barred but the pollster didn't give an alternative for that response - only the assumption that non-donaters are wimps.

That's why I didn't vote. I don't donate, but not for the reason listed in the poll. That said, I'm extremely grateful to those who can/do, as I definitely wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for them.
BTW, it is interesting to read polls and note the bias. There are quite a number of people who don't give because they are barred but the pollster didn't give an alternative for that response - only the assumption that non-donaters are wimps. This bias happens on many polls - one can see where the pollster comes from, but I guess some of the polls are written with a humorous or other twist in mind and of course they're not expected to be objective on here, anyway. Just a comment.

Good point...I added another option to the poll.

And, I wholeheartedly agree about the Red Cross telemarketing - they must get paid by the # of appointments set :)
Every year at Comic-con. Used to donate at work as well but the new job doesn't bring in the bloodmobile. I'm never contacted by the Red Cross. ;)

well, red.
I have donated in the past. Every time I did, they butchered my veins. It's not like they're hard to find or anything. I offered to bring along my own trained and certified full-time phlebotomist (my wife) to do the stick; they refused to let her do it. The last time I went in to donate -- with an appointment -- I sat for half an hour after my appointment time waiting to get in, then spent another half an hour with an utterly ridiculous interrogation to "prove" I was who I said I was. Never mind the photo ID. All told it was well over an hour of nonsense before I finally got stuck... twice, and then they blew my vein again. My wife was furious. I was ****ed. You want me to DONATE my blood (for which I'll pay dearly if I need it back), so you think it's a good idea to treat me like a criminal, then leave me with a bruise the size of a dollar bill.

No thanks. I'd like to donate but they've convinced me otherwise. I won't be back.
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I absolutely don't donate. The US government routinely use cloning techniques to make copies of genes you donate for reuse purposes. It is estimated that for every person who has donated blood there are two clones of that individual out in the world.
Double red cell, usually q4-6mo
huge ugly veins, at least someone appreciates em
O- so I start getting calls exactly 56 days after the last donation.

But what's the advantage of double red cells? Extends the callback period to 112 days, but I have issues with stuff going back in. Stuff being drained out is OK, but going back in after it's been run around in their machine I'm not so sure about.
I absolutely don't donate. The US government routinely use cloning techniques to make copies of genes you donate for reuse purposes. It is estimated that for every person who has donated blood there are two clones of that individual out in the world.

Well now, that is a new one to add to the list of wild conspiracy theories. But if it is true, the world is in a buttload of trouble based upon some of the folks on here who boast about a high number of blood donations. The old saying that some folks should not breed needs to be changed to some folks should not bleed. :D
I absolutely don't donate. The US government routinely use cloning techniques to make copies of genes you donate for reuse purposes. It is estimated that for every person who has donated blood there are two clones of that individual out in the world.

I thought they used the blood drives to implant the tracking chips?
I absolutely don't donate. The US government routinely use cloning techniques to make copies of genes you donate for reuse purposes. It is estimated that for every person who has donated blood there are two clones of that individual out in the world.
Is it two clones per every person who has donated, or two clones for each time we've donated. The world would be worse off with three of me, but with hundreds... not good at all!

My body decided it needs to create extra red blood cells. I either donate or have to have it drawn and discarded anyway. I was a donor before, but now I routinely give double red blood cells, which leaves me feeling drained for about a day.
[QUOTE=". I was a donor before, but now I routinely give double red blood cells, which leaves me feeling drained for about a day.[/QUOTE]

Pun intended I assume :)
1 pint shy of 5 gallons. Last two times the vampires have visited my worksite I had taken aspirin the day before, so still holding short of crossing the line...
I know for sure they're not cloning anyone because you'd all be being totally annoyed by my clones as much as you're annoyed by me. Even the government isn't that stupid. ;)

Oh, I don't know. It can be pretty stupid at times and is bound to be even more so real soon.
I thought they used the blood drives to implant the tracking chips?

Because so much of the public has cobbed onto the reality of chemtrails, they feel like the secret is out of the bag, and they are trying a different tactic. When 'taking blood' they are actually injecting slow-release pellets which migrate selectively to the gut. The pellets then cause the affected human's gastrointestinal tract to constantly emit low levels of their mind-controlling vapor. It's ingenious - the technique makes use of a ready-made means of vapor emission! This allows them to inundate the masses with the chemical, up close and personal.....instead of hoping the clouds of chemtrails will drift down and find the vulnerable populations. FCG, or FlatuChemGas is the latest name I've heard. (I was denied the pellets, as my 'releases' naturally cause rapid death of all animal and plant life for 100' in all directions)
I absolutely don't donate. The US government routinely use cloning techniques to make copies of genes you donate for reuse purposes. It is estimated that for every person who has donated blood there are two clones of that individual out in the world.

Man, there's a couple poor ass SOBs out they that look just like me. They must hate life.
Can we transfer consciousness to clones yet? If so I'm in!

Actually, this is a recurring element of the SyFy series Dark Matter. Pretty thought provoking the way they envision it. Check it out on Netflix, Hulu, etc al.
Because so much of the public has cobbed onto the reality of chemtrails, they feel like the secret is out of the bag, and they are trying a different tactic. When 'taking blood' they are actually injecting slow-release pellets which migrate selectively to the gut. The pellets then cause the affected human's gastrointestinal tract to constantly emit low levels of their mind-controlling vapor. It's ingenious - the technique makes use of a ready-made means of vapor emission! This allows them to inundate the masses with the chemical, up close and personal.....instead of hoping the clouds of chemtrails will drift down and find the vulnerable populations. FCG, or FlatuChemGas is the latest name I've heard. (I was denied the pellets, as my 'releases' naturally cause rapid death of all animal and plant life for 100' in all directions)

I think I got too many pellets. There is no "slow release" going on here or low levels. Especially after taco night. ;)

And now we know why there was a taco night at Gaston's too. Insidious!