OK, well I wasn't going to say anything, but I have some information about the new Van's RV 1001 transport category home built. Modeled after a 747-8l, but able to be constructed in your barn or even outdoors. This aircraft has some impressive performance numbers:
Gross: 1,313,000 lb.
Empty weight: 3,000 lb.
Useful load: 1,310,000 lb.
Performance: Mach .98
Service Ceiling: FL700
Range: Unlimited with solar cell option
Engines: Two Continental IO-470's JATO assisted
Fuel type: 87 Octane Auto Fuel
Fuel burn: 60 lb. per hour
Fuel capacity: All of it
Inspection schedule: Whenever someone gets around to it and never during the playoffs
Pilot: One sober, otherwise two
Construction time estimate: Girl Scout Troop 43 completed one in 14 weeks and are now flying it Denver to Beijing direct
Here's a photo of one of the first completed models, built by two nail techs in their garage apartment: