What would you do if...

...KPOA field that I will build (with the help of my new D-9 Dozer), which is also where I will park my DC-3, L-1011, and MD-80. At KPOA airport, there will be free parking, cheap fuel and free beer (after flying of course) for all active POA members.

a rental DC-3, I'm in!! well, you had me at 'free beer'..........I hope I don't get banned from KPOA.
Just go out and spend it ,after taking care of family.The older you are when you win ,the less you have to worry about investing,better to enjoy it.
Buy some land and build a nice, well-appointed home complete with a large shop for housing various toys. Hopefully the land would be large enough to have a nice airstrip and hangar so house a couple of aircraft like a Staggerwing and a SuperDeke. Find a nice used PC12 or KA to house at the local airstrip for the longer runs. The rest would be put into safe investments where the interest would provide ample income and hopefully some funds to provide to charities/philanthropies. We'd probably have a nice 40' cruiser for the lake and taking a trip around the Great Loop. I'd love to spend weeks at a time abroad, just taking in culture, art, history and such. Maximizing the human experience, and for me, that doesn't really coincide with staying 5-star hotels and eating $500/plate meals. I'm pretty sure I could do all of that on $50M, much less $250M.
Tell hubby to quit his job then move near the grand baby. Buy him (the hubby not the baby) whatever plane he wants and everything else he wants. Carry around cash to give to random strangers whenever I feel like it. Invest most of it for a comfortable old age and a big trust for the grandkids.
a rental DC-3, I'm in!! well, you had me at 'free beer'..........I hope I don't get banned from KPOA.
Not for rent, but anyone that is brave enough to be my safety pilot can fly the DC-3 any time.
Maybe I'll make you airport manager
Why would you wipe out your family? Do you not like them? You would also likely go to prison and not be able to enjoy your new found wealth or freedom from you family. :D

I wondered the same thing. Figured he was related to a pack of mooches.
If I won a large amount of money like that I would call the IRS and ask them how much I owe. I would take that amount and split it between my church and some children's hospitals that don't charge for their services.
Most people who win these things wind up having their lives destroyed.

I think the demographic of lottery ticket buyers basically limits the set of potential winners to people who aren't good at math. That generally bites 'em in the butt at some point down the line.
Give it to my daughter to invest, she's a CPA and the CFO of a multimillion dollar company, or to my son who is a PhD in economics, or to my wife who handles all my money anyway.

Of course, as a mathematician, I'm not going to bet $1.00 for an expected return (based on probability) of 0.0000000001 cent.
Well, I would definitely not tell a single person until I had all my ducks (lawyers, accountants, people smarter than me, etc) in order.

I wouldn't tell a married person either. Not sure what the water fowl have to do with anything.
Because they didn't have a pot to pee in before they bought the ticket. No idea how to use money.

I wish that were the case, but it simply isn't. Indeed, millionaires have won the lottery and still wound up destroyed. The real problem is the very public windfall. You become the big pot to everyone you've ever known and some you haven't. I've read that the best way to avoid bad outcomes if you win the lottery is to move to where no one knows you or how you got your money.
Some things I've always thought would be fun to do if I had the $:
1. Build a small town that looks like it would if built in the 1940s.
2. Start a flight school with no tuition. Single, multi and helicopter. They'd be the happiest CFIs on the planet with some of the most motivated students.
3. Obviously, I'd take care of close friends and family.
4. The service manager at the dealership has always gone out of his way to take care of me. He's engaged to be married soon. He'd have a helluva honeymoon. Who knows, he might even w/o my help.
5. I'd probably tip better.
6. Free internet porn for everyone!
7. I'd set up a council to selectively help poor people in need. I wouldn't want to be involved, and I wouldn't want money handed out Willy-nilly, but there are people who need a hand through no fault of their own and I'd like to be able to help them.
8. I'd fly a lot more. Probably even make it Gastons once a year.
9. The monkey would start flying first-class.
10. My wife deserves a bigger closet.
Wait, does one actually have to purchase a lottery ticket in order to win?
Wait, does one actually have to purchase a lottery ticket in order to win?
I buy lottery tickets so infrequently that I had no idea powerball went from $1 to $2 when they had that "billion" dollar jackpot a few years ago :D
How many affairs have you had or are you having? Do tell! :D

one currently is more than i can handle ..lol ..she's darn expensive but totally worth it. her name is Kate
Why would you wipe out your family? Do you not like them? You would also likely go to prison and not be able to enjoy your new found wealth or freedom from you family. :D

He may have meant that, but not what he said...

He said wipe out the debts of his family. An action that we all would take, along with our own.

Thanks Ryan for interpreting my poorly worded and lazily written message.
Some things I've always thought would be fun to do if I had the $:
1. Build a small town that looks like it would if built in the 1940s.

And hire people to live there as if it was still 1941, complete with a radio station..... "Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me, anyone else bu..... News flash..!!! We interrupt this program to report that the Germans are bombing Pearl Harbor..!!! German warplanes are attacking the home base of the American Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.!! Again, the Germans are bombing Pearl Harbor.!! The west coast is currently preparing for enemy bombers to appear in any moment..!!! This news flash was brought to you by Chesterfield, the smoke to soothe your lungs..."
Which proves I've never bought a lottery ticket. I don't even do the 50-50s.
Yeah, my mother (with degree in accounting, worked as book keeper her entire life) has always said it would be best to have a special savings account and every time you think about playing the lottery, put that money into that account and you will be a guaranteed winner, not a big winner, but still a winner. She only ever played the lottery with a group pool.
I don't mind doing 50-50s for "charity" I've actually won a few of them. About 10 years ago I won the 50-50 two days in a row at the Mustang Club of America national roundup. It was very weird, right before the drawings both days I had this strange feeling I was going to win. Never had that feeling before or after.
Lobby whoever I need to to get the f14 flying again in private (my) hands. Buy a two seat f16 and a few Texan 2s and chill with my dad. Meet up with the POA chat regulars and bum a helicopter ride from velocity to see if I want to purchase one of those.

Only way I could take you up is if you're a patient. That's not a flight you want to be on. ;)

Head down the road to TJ Helicopters. I'm sure Jimmy would take you up in a Robbie or a Jet Ranger for a fair price. He flys MEDEVAC in our company as a side gig.
Well, you got me to do something I don't normally do,which is to buy a lotto ticket. Wish me luck if you want those airplanes.